a tool and Python 3 library for Linux for assisting in solving those annoying strfry
CTF challenges that seem to be common in CTFs like ångstromCTF 2020 and DawgCTF 2020.
No additional requirements other than Linux and Python 3.
# pip3 install pystrfry
$ git clone
$ cd pystrfry
# python3 install
$ strfry --help
usage: strfry [-h] [--processid PROCESSID] [--timestamp TIMESTAMP] [--decode] string
a tool for solving those annoying strfry CTF challenges
positional arguments:
string the string to manipulate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
process id which called strfry
unix timestamp when strfry happened
--decode, -d switch to decode mode$
$ strfry --pid=1337 --ts=1234 "i use arch btw"
ubs twir ec ha
$ strfry --pid=1337 --ts=1234 "ubs twir ec ha" --decode
i use arch btw
>>> from strfry import *
>>> strfry('i use arch btw', pid=1337, ts=1234)
'ubs twir ec ha'
>>> unstrfry('ubs twir ec ha', pid=1337, ts=1234)
'i use arch btw'
>>> strfry('this will pull the current ts / pid if you dont specify')
'iutihtfwel usnsd f oyroyi t p/rphpctlcsle n dleiitu'
>>> strfry('this will pull the current ts / pid if you dont specify')
'ols tupeprn ftod ceit l sehic rys i tn pwl/uyflhdiiu t'
>>> strfry('this will pull the current ts / pid if you dont specify')
'ft sult f ynn srhp top /eihlew ipi ecdl l itutc rudyois'