- Jetpack
- Material Design
- Navigation Component
- Data Binding
- Room DB
- LiveData
- MVVM architecture
- Kotlin Flow
- View Pager
- Shimmer Loading
- API Integration
- Motion Layout
- Motion Layout
- Dependency Injection
- Dark Theme
Seamlessly integrating Jetpack components, Material Design aesthetics, Navigation Component, Data Binding, Room Library, Data Store Preference, LiveData, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Flow, View Pager, Shimmer, Retrofit, Spoonacular API integration, DiffUtil, Motion Layout, Dark Theme, and Dependency Injection with Hilt, this application sets a new standard in recipe discovery and exploration.
Language: Kotlin
Fork or download this code and setup according to your android studio and sdk as well as dependencies. After successfully setup, you need to add your spoonacular api key to : thats it.