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FastAPI Backend Template

A FastAPI backend template for a kickstart on new projects.


  • FastAPI: A modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python.
  • Swagger UI: FastAPI automatically generates interactive API documentation.
  • SQLAlchemy: Database toolkit and ORM for SQL databases.
  • Alembic: Lightweight database migration tool for SQLAlchemy.
  • Pytest: Testing framework.
  • Poetry: Dependency management and packaging.
  • Pre-commit: Framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
  • Makefile: Simplified commands for development tasks.
  • Docker Compose: Containerized development environment for Postgres database.
  • .env: Environment variables management.
  • GitHub Actions: CI/CD workflows for automated testing.

Installation and Setup


These can be installed using package managers like apt, brew, or choco. See the respective websites (or Google Search) for installation instructions.

  • Python 3.9+ (required; use pyenv for managing Python versions);
  • pyenv (optional, for managing Python versions);
  • Docker Compose (optional, highly recommended, for easily running database locally);
  • Poetry (optional, highly recommended, for dependency management);
  • Makefile (optional, highly recommended, for simplified commands);
  • Git (optional, for version control).


See Makefile for a list of available commands and their descriptions. You can also run make help or, optionally just make, to see the available commands.

These steps assume you have make installed. If you don't have it, copy and run the commands in your terminal instead.

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd FastAPI-backend-template
  2. Set Up Environment Variables

    Copy the example environment file and modify it as needed. If you use docker compose for running the database locally, you can keep the default database values. See this link for more information on setting up JWT SECRET_KEY.

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Install Dependencies

    • Using Poetry:

      make install
    • Using pip:

      pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Database Setup

    Start the Postgres database using Docker Compose:

    make up-database

    Run migrations to set up the database:

    make migrate
  5. Run the Application

    Start the FastAPI server:

    make run
    • The FastAPI server will be available at http://localhost:3000.
    • API documentation can be accessed at http://localhost:3000/docs.


Running automated tests:

make test

Writing your own code

You can use this repository as a template for your own projects. You can start by modifying the existing code or adding new files as needed, using the existing ones as example or reference of how to structure your code. Make sure to try to follow the same folder/file structure and conventions to keep the codebase clean and organized.

Pre-commit hooks are set up to run automatically before each commit. They will check for code formatting, linting, and other issues. You can also run them manually with:

make pre-commit

For changes to the database, you can follow these steps:

  1. Make changes to the database models in api/database/models.
  2. Make sure new models are imported in api/database/
  3. Create a new revision:
    make revision
  4. Check the new revision file created in api/database/alembic/versions and make sure it reflects the changes you expect.
  5. Apply the migration to your database (the database needs to be running and available):
    make migrate

You can also undo the last migration with:

make downgrade


This template is set up to be easily deployed to Vercel. Vercel provides easy, free, deployment/hosting of web applications and databases. You can also setup the database with a couple click and it should be just a matter of just setting up the environment variables in the Vercel dashboard and deploying the application with a few clicks.


Feel free to contribute to this project. You can open issues for bugs or feature requests, and submit pull requests for improvements or fixes. Make sure to follow the existing code style and conventions. Also, make sure to run the pre-commit hooks before submitting a pull request. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


A FastAPI template designed to streamline back-end development


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