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zabbix-ldap-sync -- Sync your Zabbix users with LDAP directory server

The zabbix-ldap-sync script is used for keeping your Zabbix users in sync with an LDAP directory server.

It can automatically import existing LDAP groups and users into Zabbix, thus making it easy for you to keep your Zabbix users in sync with LDAP.

Maintained by Marc Schöchlin [email protected]

This project moved to to ease collaboration of developers. You can switchover your current git clone byexecuting the follwing command:

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:zabbix-tooling/zabbix-ldap-sync.git # or
git remote set-url origin


You also need to have your Zabbix Frontend configured to authenticate against an AD/LDAP directory server. (using http or ldap-auth)

Check the official documentation of Zabbix on how to configure Zabbix to authenticate against an AD/LDAP directory server.

Setup virtualenv

Debian and Ubuntu Systems:

sudo apt-get install python-dev virtualenv libpython3.*-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

CentOS and Redhat Systems:

sudo yum install python3-devel openldap-devel
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


In order to use the zabbix-ldap-sync script we need to create a configuration file describing the various LDAP and Zabbix related config entries.

Config file sections

You can use Apache Directory Studio to test the ldap connection, filters and to inspect available attributes.


  • type - Select type of ldap server, can be activedirectory or openldap
  • uri - URI of the LDAP server, including port
  • base - Base Distinguished Name
  • binduser - LDAP user which has permissions to perform LDAP search
  • bindpass - Password for LDAP user
  • groups - LDAP groups to sync with Zabbix
    • supports wildcard - TESTED ONLY with Active Directory, see Command-line arguments
    • roleids or rolename for the created users can be encoded with groups (<goupname>:<numeric role id/name>)
  • media - Name of the LDAP attribute of user object, that will be used to set Send to property of Zabbix user media. If entry is not used, no media synchronizastion is made. Common value is mail.
  • ignore_tls_errors - If set to true, tls connection problems are ignored (you should use this only for testing)


  • filtergroup = The ldap filter to get group in ActiveDirectory mode, by default (&(objectClass=group)(name=%s))
  • filteruser = The ldap filter to get the users in ActiveDirectory mode, by default (objectClass=user)(objectCategory=Person)
  • filterdisabled = The filter to get the disabled user in ActiveDirectory mode, by default (!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))
  • filtermemberof = The filter to get memberof in ActiveDirectory mode, by default (memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=%s)
  • groupattribute = The attribute used for membership in a group in ActiveDirectory mode, by default member
  • userattribute = The attribute for users in ActiveDirectory mode sAMAccountName


  • type = The storage mode for group and users can be posix or groupofnames
  • filtergroup = The ldap filter to get group in OpenLDAP mode, by default (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=%s))
  • filteruser = The ldap filter to get the users in OpenLDAP mode, by default (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))
  • groupattribute = The attribute used for membership in a group in OpenLDAP mode, by default memberUid
  • userattribute = The attribute for users in openldap mode, by default uid


  • server - Zabbix URL
  • username - Zabbix username. This user must have permissions to add/remove users and groups. Typically, this would be Zabbix Admin account.
  • password - Password for Zabbix user
  • auth - can be http (for basic auth) or webform (for regular form based login)
  • alldirusergroup - A group in Zabbix where to put all users created from the ldap directory.
    Create this group before using this tool and give members of this group no permissions to your zabbix instance.
    If a user is not available anymore by the directory, the user remains in this single group. This allows us to keep the audit trail of zabbix consistent. If you do not define this property, users are not assigned to that group.
  • ignore_tls_errors - If set to true, tls connection problems are ignored (you should use this only for testing)


Allows to override various properties for Zabbix users created by script. See User object in Zabbix API documentation for available properties. If section/property doesn't exist, defaults are:

  • role = 1 - User roleid or role name
  • show_password - Display passwords. Possible values: true or false


Allows to override media type and various properties for Zabbix media for users created by script.

  • decription - Description of Zabbix media (Email, Jabber, SMS, etc...). This entry is optional, default value is Email.

You can configure additional properties in this section. See Media object in Zabbix API documentation for available properties. If this section/property doesn't exist, defaults fro additional properties are:

  • active = 0 - Whether the media is enabled. Possible values: 0- enabled; 1 - disabled.
  • period = 1-7,00:00-24:00 - Time when the notifications can be sent as a time period.
  • onlycreate = true - Process media only on newly created users if this is set to true.
  • severity = Disaster,High,Average,Warning - A list of severities to send notifications about, seperated by comma (alternative: the numeric value).
║  Severity   ║Disaster║High║Average║Warning║Information║Not Classified║
║  Enabled ?  ║      1 ║  1 ║     1 ║     1 ║         1 ║            1 ║
║Decimal value║                     111111 = 63                        ║
║             ║           Linux: printf '%i\n' "$((2#111111))"         ║
║             ║Disaster,High,Average,Warning,Information,Not Classified║

Configuration file example

See example config file, create a copy of this and modify it according to your needs.

Command-line arguments

Usage: zabbix-ldap-sync [-lsrwdn] [--verbose] -f <config>
   zabbix-ldap-sync -v
   zabbix-ldap-sync -h

  -h, --help                    Display this usage info
  -v, --version                 Display version and exit
  -l, --ldap-accountids         Do not make changes to ldap account id names
  -s, --skip-disabled           Skip disabled AD users
  -r, --recursive               Resolves AD group members recursively (i.e. nested groups)
  -w, --wildcard-search         Search AD group with wildcard (e.g. R.*.Zabbix.*) - TESTED ONLY with Active Directory
  -d, --delete-orphans          Delete Zabbix users that don't exist in a LDAP group
  -a, --remove-absent           Remove Zabbix users from group that don't exist in a LDAP group
  -n, --no-check-certificate    Don't check Zabbix server certificate
  --verbose                     Print debug message from ZabbixAPI
  --dryrun                      Just simulate zabbix interaction
  -f <config>, --file <config>  Configuration file to use

Importing LDAP users into Zabbix

Now that we have the above mentioned configuration file created, let's import our groups and users from LDAP to Zabbix.

$ ./zabbix-ldap-sync -f /path/to/zabbix-ldap.conf

Once the script completes, check your Zabbix Frontend to verify that users are successfully imported.

To sync different LDAP groups with different options, create separate config file for each group and run zabbix-ldap-sync:

$ ./zabbix-ldap-sync -f /path/to/zabbix-ldap-admins.conf
$ ./zabbix-ldap-sync -f /path/to/zabbix-ldap-users.conf

You would generally be running the above scripts on regular basis, say each day from cron(8) in order to make sure your Zabbix system is in sync with LDAP.

Open Developent Tasks

This tool works for years now, but from a view of serious software development this piece of code still needs major refactorings. Major refactoring tends to break things which are not available in my testing environment.

Starting from the original implementation, some things have already been improved, extended and simplified. In my busy everyday life, I have unfortunately not yet found time for the following topics.

  • eliminate the need to pass around configuration values between classes
  • eliminate the need of different configuration sections for ldap 'openldap' and 'ad'
  • remove all warnings
  • introduce python typing
  • isolate configuration logic in lib/
  • add software tests
  • provide the possibility

Contributions are very welcome.


Sync Zabbix with LDAP directory server







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  • Python 92.7%
  • Makefile 4.0%
  • Shell 2.1%
  • Dockerfile 1.2%