Windows Tool to Read/Write/Manipulate GoToTags NFC ACR1252U NTAG213/NTAG216 NXP MIFARE Ultralight Tags
Check Release Section for Exe/Binary release you can use without an Python Environment and includes dependencies.
It currently performs:
- Reads and Writes 4 character pins to NFC.
- To write, open the window, type in a code and press enter or program.
- Hold the card against the reader/writer until it says it's been programmed.
- To read, just have the application loaded in the tray and have a keyboard input box in focus.
- Hold the card against the reader/writer until it writes out the code followed by an enter.
- This is good for pin input in POS devices when you don't want others to see you type in the code.
- To write, open the window, type in a code and press enter or program.
- QT Gui App that sits in the Windows Tray Icon
- Click the icon to show the window, right click (maybe 2x), to show exit window.
- minimizes to the tray icon, the X shows a prompt to really quit, clicking no will minimize to tray.
- The tray icon may be hidden in the more tray icons section in Windows.
- Only run 1 instance of the application.
- When it reads, it types the characters into whatever window has focus, followed by an enter.
- It was orignally written for Python 2 using PyQT4, but it's now Python 2/3 compatiable using PyQT5. I plan on only coding it against Python 3 and PyQT5 from now on, so backwards compatibality may break. Exe's were originally packaged using py2exe. However, it is not compatiable with Python 3.5, so I moved to cx_freeze.
- I believe Python 2 support is broken as of a few commits ago.