本仓库是个人的一个日常学习Golang的一个仓库,内部包含了一些公共库,其中cli工具 devtool
go get -v github.com/anthony-dong/golang
➜ golang git:(master) tree -L 1 .
├── Makefile // 开发脚本
├── README.md
├── bin // 二进制产物
├── build.sh
├── cli // cli工具
├── command // 命令
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── pkg
├── bufutils
├── codec // 编解码
├── collections // 集合
├── consts // 常量
├── httpclient // http client
├── idl // idl
├── internal // 内部包
├── logs // 日志
├── rpc // rpc 调用
├── tcpdump // tcpduump
├── tools // 外部工具
└── utils // 工具
如何下载: go install -v github.com/anthony-dong/golang/cli/devtool@master
➜ devtool git:(master) devtool --help
Usage: devtool [OPTIONS] COMMAND
codec The Encode and Decode data tool
gen Auto compile thrift、protobuf IDL
go The golang tools
help Help about any command
hexo The Hexo tool
json The Json tool
run Run task templates
tcpdump Decode tcpdump file & stream
turl Send thrift request like curl
upload File upload tool
--config-file string Set the config file
-h, --help help for devtool
--log-level string Set the log level in [debug|info|notice|warn|error] (default "info")
-v, --verbose Turn on verbose mode
--version version for devtool
Use "devtool COMMAND --help" for more information about a command.
To get more help with devtool, check out our guides at https://github.com/anthony-dong/golang
- 安装
CGO_ENABLED=1 go install -v github.com/anthony-dong/golang/cli/tcpdump_tools@master
- 使用
~ tcpdump_tools -h
decode tcpdump file, help doc: https://github.com/anthony-dong/golang/tree/master/cli/tcpdump_tools
tcpdump_tools [-r file] [-v] [-X] [--max dump size] [flags]
tcpdump 'port 8080' -X -l -n | tcpdump_tools
-X, --dump Enable Display payload details with hexdump.
-r, --file string The packets file, eg: tcpdump_xxx_file.pcap.
-h, --help help for tcpdump_tools
--max int The hexdump max size
-v, --verbose Enable Display decoded details.
- 安装
go install -v github.com/anthony-dong/golang/cli/protoc-gen-console@master
- 使用
protoc -I . --plugin=protoc-gen-console=${HOME}/go/bin/protoc-gen-console --console_opt=output=output/out.
json --console_opt=disable_source_code=1 --console_opt=params1=1,params2=2 --console_out=. pkg/idl/test/text.proto