The fix to SPARK-2171 for the (Groovy + Spark) combo in a distributed Spark cluster (see SPARK-15582 discussion about scripting support in Spark).
Researching a way to provide Groovy scripting support to fellow colleagues, we've stumbled upon SPARK-2171 which argues that there's nothing to do regarding Groovy and Spark, as it's directly compatible to the Spark M/R execution model. On closer inspection, the original SPARK-2171 test was done in a local[] VM, which means that the code defined in the closures already existed in the JVM. However, running in a distributed cluster, your average Groovy script that tried to to Spark M/R would fail with different ClassNotFoundExceptions (because of the missing closures) or Task Not Serializable (by not extending a SerializableScript base).
We had a Spring-based application (the driver). We had a Spark cluster. We needed a way to connect the two worlds and make writing one-shot analytic scripts extremelly easy. Now imagine for a second what you can do with the full power of Spring + Groovy + Spark. Got your attention? Good! That's why! Carry on reading :D
In reality, in a distributed Spark cluster, you need to make your code reach the executor nodes somehow. To do that, a few requirements are needed:
- you need some kind of "Spring In Spark" support (see the "spring-spark" fork of the original project, the original project was retired by the original author). This allows you to use @ Autowired inside the Groovy-defined classes/closures in the scripts. If you don't use Spring, you can skip this step, but the example code below assumes a Spring context (note the RequestMapping annotations);
- you intercept the script before execution;
- you compile it, save it to a JAR, use Spark's addJar method before launching the script in the driver context;
- script runs, returns two keys in JSON "output" (from println*, etc.) and "return" (last object in script or specific return stmt);
- in case of exception it just returns "exception" (single) with the stacktrace;
- profit!
The method below could (in theory) be extended to any other kind of scripting language which can provide a compilation to byte[]-code path. Groovy was (in all honesty) the simplest one to do. We are still researching support for other languages, yet implementations may be possible for:
- Janino;
- Kotlin;
- Ceylon;
- Javascript (see Eclair-JS @ running over Nashorn);
- Jython;
// Imports
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import groovy.lang.Script;
* Setting this as a base-class, for the GroovyShell to
* pick-up and use as a serializable;
public abstract class SerializableScript extends Script implements Serializable {
// Privates
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6799589283932151864L;
* Method is used to hide the implementation details
* on how to generate the name of the script. We currently
* generate it from the millis of the current execution
* time, but some other implementation may be put here;
public String getScriptName () {
// Return the script name as the current time
Long dateOfNow = ().getMillis ();
return String.format ("ScriptOf%d", dateOfNow);
// Imports
// Make sure to resolve all your imports from below;
* Job is used to received a Groovy-language script that
* is going to be compiled and executed inside of this JVM to
* which we pass it the Spark service so that any kind of
* analytic code can be executed against it;
@ CrossOrigin
@ RestController
@ RequestMapping ("job/Groovy")
public class Groovy implements Serializable {
// Privates
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5608151611731294203L;
private static final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = new CompilerConfiguration ();
// Dependency injected
@ Autowired private SparkService sparkService;
@ PostConstruct
public void initiateConfiguration () {
// Set the base-script class of any of our executing scripts
compilerConfiguration.setScriptBaseClass ("");
compilerConfiguration.setTargetBytecode (CompilerConfiguration.JDK8);
compilerConfiguration.setDebug (false);
* Method takes care of preparing a few requirements for the job
* while also setting the try/catch block for the given job, due
* to the fact that the Groovy scripts may fail compilation or
* generate a few exceptions we don't want to be thrown above;
private Map<String, Object> prepareJob (final String sourceCode)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
// !!
try {
// Return
return prepareScript (sourceCode);
} catch (final Exception e) {
// Caught
return ImmutableMap.of ("exception",
ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace (e));
* Prepares a few script requirements required, for example, the script
* start and stop times, binding values, intercepter and more;
* @param sourceCode
* @return
* @throws IOException
private Map<String, Object> prepareScript (String sourceCode) throws IOException {
// Defaults
Map<String, Object> toReturn = new HashMap<String, Object> ();
IntercepterClojure outputCollector = new IntercepterClojure (this);
SystemOutputInterceptor systemOutputInterceptor = new SystemOutputInterceptor (outputCollector, true);
systemOutputInterceptor.start ();
// !!
try {
// Bindings
HashMap<String, Object> bindingValues = new HashMap<String, Object> ();
bindingValues.put ("sparkService", sparkService);
// Process
toReturn.put ("return",
evaluateScript (sourceCode,
} catch (final Exception e) {
// Caught
return ImmutableMap.of ("exception",
ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace (e));
} finally {
// Clean-up after ourselves
systemOutputInterceptor.stop ();
systemOutputInterceptor.close ();
// Put the output as it is (objects)
toReturn.put ("output", outputCollector.getOutput ());
return toReturn;
* Instantiates a GroovyShell and runs the script from
* in-memory, without any other requirements;
* @param sourceCode
* @param bindingValues
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws CompilationFailedException
* @throws IllegalStateException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
private String evaluateScript (String sourceCode, HashMap<String, Object> bindingValues)
throws CompilationFailedException, IOException, IllegalStateException, ClassNotFoundException {
// Compile it
Long dateOfNow = ().getMillis ();
String nameOfScript = String.format ("ScriptOf%d", dateOfNow);
String groovyCommonPath = new String ("/path/to/your/distributed-fs/groovy-scripts");
String pathOfJar = String.format ("%s/%s.jar", groovyCommonPath, String.format ("JarOf%d", dateOfNow));
File archiveFile = new File (pathOfJar);
Files.createParentDirs (archiveFile);
// With resources
List<?> compilationList = compileGroovyScript (nameOfScript, sourceCode);
try (JarArchiveOutputStream oneJobJar = new JarArchiveOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (new File (pathOfJar)))) {
// For
for (Object compileClass : compilationList) {
// Append
GroovyClass groovyClass = (GroovyClass) compileClass;
JarArchiveEntry oneJarEntry = new JarArchiveEntry (String.format ("%s.class", groovyClass.getName ()));
oneJarEntry.setSize (groovyClass.getBytes ().length);
byte[] bytecodeOfClass = groovyClass.getBytes ();
oneJobJar.putArchiveEntry (oneJarEntry);
oneJobJar.write (bytecodeOfClass);
oneJobJar.closeArchiveEntry ();
// End it up
oneJobJar.finish ();
oneJobJar.close ();
// Append the JAR to the execution environment
sparkService.getSparkContext ().addJar (pathOfJar);
// Prepare the shell & loader, parse, auto-wire and run the script
GroovyShell groovyShell = new GroovyShell (new Binding (bindingValues), compilerConfiguration);
Script parsedScript = groovyShell.parse (sourceCode, nameOfScript);
SparkService.autowire (parsedScript);
Object returnOfScript = ();
// Return with specific check
return returnOfScript != null ?
returnOfScript.toString () :
new String ("Empty");
* Method used to compile the given script source code into
* byte-code so that we can package this into a JAR and add it
* to the current SparkContext;
* @param className
* @param theScript
* @return
public List<?> compileGroovyScript (final String className, final String theScript) {
// Prepare it
CompilationUnit compileUnit = new CompilationUnit (compilerConfiguration);
compileUnit.addSource (className, theScript);
compileUnit.compile (Phases.CLASS_GENERATION);
return compileUnit.getClasses ();
* Method receives the script and sends it to the implementation,
* being just a method that respects the JobInterface, but instead of
* a day (or other type of parameters) it catches the source code of
* the POST'ed Groovy script;
@ Override
@ RequestMapping (value = "executeScript", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ ResponseBody Map<String, Object> submitJob (@ RequestBody String sourceCode)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
// Return
return prepareJob (sourceCode);
* Method allows for running with CORS support but with custom headers
* added by us manually (for cases where the CorsOrigins annotation fails
* to work out of the box);
* @param sourceCode
* @param oneResponse
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws IOException
@ RequestMapping (value = "executeScriptCorsSupport", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ ResponseBody Map<String, Object> submitJobWithCorsSupport (@ RequestBody String sourceCode, HttpServletResponse oneResponse)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
// Append'em
oneResponse.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
oneResponse.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE");
oneResponse.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type");
oneResponse.addHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600");
// Return
return submitJob (sourceCode);
* Output collector implementation, based on using
* a StringBuffer to get back the contents;
class IntercepterClojure extends Closure<Object> {
// Privates
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8753771526714601423L;
private Set<Object> stringBuffer = new LinkedHashSet <Object> ();
public IntercepterClojure (Object owner) {
super (owner);
@ Override
public Object call (Object params) {
// Append
stringBuffer.add (params);
return false;
@ Override
public Object call (Object... args) {
// Go
for (Object arg : args) {
// Append
stringBuffer.add (arg);
// Return
return false;
public Set<Object> getOutput () {
// Return
return this.stringBuffer;