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currently auto installation is only supported for arch linux and arch based distros. clone the repo

git clone

And run the installation script


and you should be good to go

Manual Installation

Install the dependencies and copy the config files


i3-gaps, sddm, betterlockscreen, i3status-git, i3blocks-git, alacritty, rofi-git, neofetch-git, polybar-git, dunst-git, feh-git, nitrogen, picom, lxappearance, xorg, xorg-xinit, xorg-server, qt5, oh-my-zsh, zsh

Optional Dependencies

 neovim,vs code, python-pynvim, zsh zsh-completions,zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-history-substring-search, zsh-history-substring-search-git, xclip maim, neofetch uwufetch, awesome-fonts-git, htop, nerd-fonts-complete-git, noto-fonts-emoji-git, noto-fonts-cjk-git, noto-fonts-extra-git, noto-fonts-extra-cjk-git, noto-fonts-mono-git, noto-fonts-symbols-git,

and now run the following cammands to copy the config files to your home directory

cp -r config ~/.config/
cp .bashrc ~/.bashrc
cp .zshrc ~/.zshrc
cp .Xresources ~/.Xresources
cp .xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
cp .local ~/.local
cp gtkrc-2.0 ~/.gtkrc-2.0
cp -r wallpapers/* ~/Pictures/wallpapers/

Set your sddm theme

git clone
sudo cp /usr/share/sddm/themes/sddm-astronaut-theme/Fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/
echo "[Theme]
    Current = sddm-astronaut-theme" | sudo tee /etc/sddm.conf

Enable sddm service

sudo systemctl enable sddm.service

and then reboot your system


Image Image Image Image Image

Key Bindings

Action Shortcut
Terminal Mod + Enter
Browser Mod + b
Floating mode Mod + Shift + space
Resize Mod + r
Move Mod + Shift + aroow/jkl;
rofi Mod + q
Foucs Mod + arrow keys
vertical split Mod + v
horizontal split Mod + h
fullscreen Mod + f
Switch to workspace Mod + 1-8
Screenshot print screen
Screenshot active window Mod + print screen