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Dungeon Master


A dungeon scroller game where players have to move through a maze that is randomly generated. The maze has a starting and an ending point. There is at least one path between all locations in the maze.

A player can pass through tunnels, move into caves. Caves have treasures and these treasures can be picked up by the player. Tunnels and caves can have arrows that the player can pick up.

Caves may have monsters in them. Monsters are here Otyughs. Otyughs are smelly monsters that eat flesh. They are solitary creatures and only one Otyughs lives in a cave. If a player enters a cave occupied by an Otyughs that is healthy, the player is eaten alive. If the Otyughs is hurt by the player, then the player has a 50% chance of surviving the encounter.

To kill a monster, the player has to shoot an arrow. The arrows are special and can travel through tunnels even if the tunnels change directions. But they only travel straight through caves. To shoot an arrow, the player specifies the direction they want shoot and how far they want to shoot the arrow. If the arrow lands in a cave with a monster, the monster takes one hit. To kill the monster, two hits are needed.

  1. This game is developed as an example for the overall SDK that I am trying to write. This SDK would help anyone to develop a new game. "Dungeon Master" is an example of how to use the SDK for the game model.
  2. The game is built to be extendable and expandable. The rules of the games can be made up as a player plays the games, new "Actions" can be added to the game on the fly and new items and characters can be created when needed.


Ability for the location to show what are the possible ways in which it's state can be changed. There is an overarching "Action" interface that will define the strategy that a specific component can take.

Change in dynamic states in the game occurs through events. Events are published to an event bus and the subscribers to these events listen to specific events and take actions.

There is a text view that is present game on a console. The controller has methods to getting help, moving the player and collecting objects.

The GUI view provides an interface for the users to play the game using with audiovisual input. The user can visually explore the maze, collect items from the maze and kill monsters.

How to run the jar

Please have the META-INF folder in the same directory as DungeonMaster.jar.

To run the jar, use the command java -jar DungeonMaster.jar

This will bring up the GUI view. To get the CLI view, please run

hava -jar DungeonMaster.jar -cli

This will run the jar with the default settings. Please read How to use the program

How to use the program

The jar takes the following flags.

-cli           Runs the CLI implementation of the game.
      -debug         Debug mode.
      -dic, --degIntConn=<degreeOfInterConnections>
                     Degree of inter-connectivity between the grid locations.
  -h, --help         Show this help message and exit.
      -mc, --maxcolumns=<maxCols>
                     Maximum number of columns in the game.
      -mr, --maxrow=<maxRows>
                     Maximum number of rows in the game.
      -nm, --numberMonsters=<numberMonsters>
                     Number of monsters in the game.
      -pt, --perTreasure=<percentTreasure>
                     Percentage of caves with treasure.
  -V, --version      Print version information and exit.
  -w, --iswrappeds   Make the grid wrapped or not.

To play the CLI game, follow the instructions below.

The game uses verb-[noun]+[qualifier] syntax for the command.
Some verbs may have nouns while some verbs may have qualifiers as well. 
Valid commands:
Move command:
   move <direction>
Valid directions are:
To move east, you can enter:
		`move east`
Pick command:
   pick <item>
Valid items:
Valid pick command:
		`pick arrow`
Shoot arrow command:
   shoot <direction> <distance>
Valid shoot command:
		`shoot north 3`
You can quit the game by entering `quit`.
Valid directions are the same as above. Distance should be a positive integer.

All these commands have a shorthand. Just use the first letter of the command.

To play the GUI view

  1. To move the player:

    1. To move the player, user can use the arrow keys. If the player can move in the specified direction then the character on the screen is moved, else you will hear a beep.
    2. To move the character using mouse, click on a grid location, if the player can move in that direction, the player will move, else you hear a beep.
  2. To shoot arrows:

    1. Right-click on the grid to bring up a context menu that will help you select the shoot direction and distance.
    2. Hit the s key and that will again bring the context menu to shoot. Here you can use the WASD keys to select the directions. To select north, you can use Alt + W key. Similarly, for the other directions as well.
      Shoot North -> S, Alt + W
      Shoot South -> S, Alt + S
      Shoot East -> S, Alt + D
      Shoot West -> S, Alt + A
  3. To pick treasures or arrow:

    1. The location will have a chest.
    2. Right click. if the pick context menu appears, you can pick a treasure or an arrow.
    3. Hit P and the context menu comes up. This can be used to pick the item.
  4. To restart the game, go to the Options menu and select restart.

  5. To start a new game, go to the Options menu and select new game and fill the dialog box.

Example runs

java -jar DungeonMaster.jar -pt 100 -mr 30 -mc 30

This builds a non wrapped 30 × 30 grid maze with 100 % of caves with treasures. The interconnectivity being one.

java -jar DungeonMaster.jar -dic 5

This builds a non wrapped 10 × 10 grid maze with 10% of caves with treasures. The interconnectivity between caves is 5.

java -jar DungeonMaster.jar -w

This builds a wrapped 10 × 10 grid maze with 10% of caves with treasures. The interconnectivity between caves is 1.

Description of examples

gameplay.png shows how the game looks when some treasures/arrows are found and when a monster is detected.

Design changes

The controller and the view are event driven. The controller and view publish and subscribe to events and act on these events.


There are three major assumptions that are made when developing the game.

  1. There are only player in the game.
  2. The game will be played on a single threaded application.
  3. The game is always on a 2D plane.
  4. The play is event driven.
  5. The application always runs on a single thread.

Players can pick up unlimited number of treasures.


The game is generic and has room for extendability. This makes some necessary casting. Given how the game generates the maze, there is a small possibility that the game may be in an invalid state. The driver should manage this and try and recreate a failed generation of the model.

The model does allow to be generic, there is time complexity when generating the dungeons. When large grids are generated, it will take a longer time for the model to be generated. This is because of the constraints that are posed on how the model needs to be generated i.e. model connectedness and distance between the start and end locations. This is a limitation of using graph theory to generate the graphs.

This application cannot be run on a multithreaded system. States change with the assumption that there is only one manipulator state i.e. one thread. In a multithreaded process there would be wrong state update.

The player should visit the location when to see if the smell changed. The view knows only about the current state of the player and is not aware of any other state changes that occurred.



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