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View activities in the Dynamic Island on iPhone

IN this Github page you can see the inovation of apple goods it is available now only on Ihones like Iphone 14 Pro and on Iphone 14 Pro Max

this website done for educational purposes and do want to blame or offense somebody/

Dynamic Island is a big surprise and the top feature of 2022 from Apple. I don't like to throw big words around, but the first thing I thought of was "It's revolution, Johnny" or something like that :)

Dynamic Island

At yesterday's Apple presentation, among other things, a new feature of the older series of iPhones was shown – Dynamic Island – such a working area around a round bang, the implementation of which became possible due to the reduction of the front camera.

The presentation briefly showed how it will be used, but it is already clear that some system notifications and actions will be embedded in the island, which previously were revealed to the full screen, occupying an unreasonably large space. It is also not yet clear whether standard push notifications will be built into the island, or whether they will retain the same appearance. Now it is only clear that the push of a phone call, the use of Face ID, and the connection of headphones will definitely be written into the concept of the island. Typical actions will be shown in a collapsed form, and if you want to get more information, the user will be able to click on the island.

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Dynamic Island is a function at the interface and engineering interface that perfectly describes the phrase "not a bug, but a feature". Previously, bangs were a problem that did not participate in user interaction in any way. It was clear to everyone that this was a temporary crutch solution that would eventually come to an end. The island, judging by the video, will take over part of the application interface in order to create additional space for placing data, contacts with the user and simplifying actions. Also, due to the fact that the push buttons will be located higher and the island will become an intuitive zone for some type of action, the iPhone's working area will expand and the time of using the smartphone may be reduced. Conceptually, it's very similar to TouchBar.

Cautiously, we can say that Dynamic Island is the invention of a new way of interacting with the user on a par with push notifications on the iPhone and TouchBar on the Mac. Therefore, it is extremely interesting how it will work: the functioning of the island directly depends on how application developers will implement some functions into it. And, as we know from experience, the TouchBar did not fly, although it also made noise at the time. There is no information for developers about Dynamic Island on the Apple website yet, so we will wait for more data on what information can be placed on the island for application developers and what actions users will be able to perform.

Have you already imagined how you could use the island for your application? Write in the comments!

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My Portfolio Website

This is a personal portfolio website that showcases my work, skills, and experiences as a software developer. The website is designed to provide a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for visitors to navigate through my projects and learn more about me.


  • Home Page: The home page provides a brief introduction about myself and highlights my key skills and expertise. It also includes a call-to-action section to encourage visitors to explore further.

  • Projects: This section showcases a selection of my best projects. Each project is displayed with a thumbnail image, a short description, and a link to view more details. Visitors can easily browse through the projects and get a glimpse of my technical abilities.

  • Skills: This page provides a detailed list of my technical skills and proficiencies. It includes programming languages, frameworks, tools, and methodologies that I am proficient in. This section helps potential employers or clients understand my technical expertise.

  • Experience: This section outlines my professional experience, including previous job positions, internships, or freelance work. It includes details such as company names, job titles, and a brief description of my responsibilities and achievements in each role.

  • Contact: The contact page provides visitors with a convenient way to get in touch with me. It includes a contact form where users can submit their inquiries or messages directly to my email address. Additionally, my social media profiles and professional networks are also provided for alternative contact methods.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: Used for structuring the web pages and content.
  • CSS3: Used for styling and layout of the website.
  • JavaScript: Used for interactive features and dynamic content.
  • Bootstrap: Utilized the Bootstrap framework for responsive design and pre-built components.
  • GitHub Pages: Hosted the website on GitHub Pages for easy deployment and accessibility.


The website is deployed using GitHub Pages, which allows for easy hosting and sharing of static web pages directly from a GitHub repository. The repository contains all the necessary files and assets for the website, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files. Any updates or changes made to the repository will be automatically reflected on the live website.


This portfolio website serves as a showcase of my skills, projects, and experiences in the field of software development. It is designed to provide an engaging and informative experience for visitors, allowing them to learn more about me and my work. The website is easily accessible through GitHub Pages and can be further customized and expanded as my portfolio grows.


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