Plug-in for GOG Galaxy supporting programmatic importation of multiple platform game libraries. Allows for the generic definition of files to be added using user definable regular expressions. Programmatically imports games from predefined folders while allowing for others to be configured by users. Advanced users can also configure how games are are executed and populated into galaxy by editing the configurable regular expressions. The provides advantages over manual importation when importing many (hundreds) of programs into galaxy, assigning them tags, removing them and adding in unknown games with human readable names.
- Upon galaxy update, the plugin's games may be determined to be unsupported. To resolve this for the current update as of 2020-06-15, disconnect the plugin and then reconnect it again. Contrary to galaxy's messages, your game data including play times will be retained upon reconnecting as they are also cached by the plugin.
- If you want to allow for metadata to be stripped away between dots, like previous versions, you would add
before the extension; for example gba would look like.*[\\\\](.+?)([ ]*[\\(\\[].*[\\)\\]])*([.].*)*[.]gba
for it's regex. This expression will break games with dots in their name. You can look at the history of the configuration for some examples. - Unknown game issues where galaxy refuses a name you provided to it or refuses to update, can sometimes be fixed by changing the username in config.cfg , but this is generally controlled by galaxy itself and requires working with GoG to update their database.
- Galaxy will place all programs under the same platform. Grouping by tags is a decent substitute, so ensure to use useful ones. If you only intend to use one platform, you can also update the config.cfg and manifest.json files to reflect that platform instead of the more generic one.
- To force the plug-in to re-send every program to galaxy again, useful after updating the configuration manually, remove the caches, game_cache and game_cache-times , and either completely exit and restart galaxy or disable and then re-enable the plug-in.
- If you own a lot of games, Galaxy may incorrectly report that the plug-in has crashed and force kill it for processing too long. You can try to optimize your regular expressions to allow it to execute quickly enough for it to not hit the maximum processing time. You can also try setting the logging level to info.
Ensure that galaxy is completely exited, including from the system tray, before you install the plugin. The plug-in will need to be placed in %localappdata%\\Galaxy\plugins\installed\
as importer_97543122-7785-4444-2254-711233556699
. The easiest version to install is the latest version under releases with all of the libraries pre installed and can be unzipped into the installation directory. This Youtube video shows installation using default directories for the plugin software.
If you are updating from a previous version and you wish to keep your game data, ensure that you copy game_cache and game_cache-times files to the updated installation. If you have made any configuration changes that you wish to preserve, ensure to copy the systems.json and config.cfg files to the updated installation. Once you have finished updating the unzipped folder with these old files make sure to completely remove the existing files from the plugin directory before moving the newly uncompressed version into the plugins folder and restarting galaxy.
If the configuration is not changed to reflect your system, then the following is used by default. Your personal documents\games\
folder will by default be used to house the folders for your systems which will be something like C:\Users\andyn\Documents\Games\Dreamcast
depending on your user name. See the PSP example for how to have multiple emulators for the same system for different folders and kinds of images.
Platform | Default Emulator Location | Default Folders |
Sega Dreamcast | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\Dreamcast\Game Name\disc.gdi |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\Dreamcast | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\Dreamcast | ||
Game Boy Advance | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\GBA |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\GBA | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\GBA | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\GBC | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\GB | ||
Game Boy Color | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\GBC |
F:\Software\games\roms\GB | ||
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\GBC | ||
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\GB | ||
Gamecube | %USERPROFILE%\Dolphin-x64\Dolphin.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\GameCube |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\GameCube | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\GameCube | ||
Sega Genesis | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\Genesis |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\Genesis | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\Genesis | ||
Sega Master System | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\Master System |
Nintendo 64 | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\N64 |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\N64 | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\N64 | ||
Nintendo DS | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\nds |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\nds | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\nds | ||
Nintendo Entertainment System | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\nes |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\NES | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\nes\roms | ||
Playstation 2 | C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2\pcsx2.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\PS2 |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\PS2 | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\PS2 | ||
Playstation 3 | %USERPROFILE%\rpcs3-v0.0.13-11287-cab4c78b_win64\rpcs3.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\PS3\out |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\PS3 | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\PS3\out | ||
Playstation Portable | C:\Program Files\PPSSPP\PPSSPPWindows64.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\psp |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\psp | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\psp | ||
C:\Program Files\PPSSPP\ppsspp_win\PPSSPPWindows64.exe | E:\roms\psp\Digital Downloads | |
D:\roms\psp\Digital Downloads | ||
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\psp\Digital Downloads | ||
Playstation 1 | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\PS1 |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\PS1 | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\PS1\isos | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\PS1\PSX Digital | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\PS1\multi-disk | ||
Super Nintendo Entertainment System | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\SNES |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\SNES | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\SNES | ||
Wii | %USERPROFILE%\Dolphin-x64\Dolphin.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\Wii |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\Wii | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\Wii | ||
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\Wii\Digital | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\Wii\Digital | ||
XBOX | %USERPROFILE%\CxbxReloaded-Release-VS2019\cxbx.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\xbox\games |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\xbox | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\xbox\games | ||
Wii U | %USERPROFILE%\cemu_1.22.0\Cemu.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\wii u\converted |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\wiiu | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\wii u\converted | ||
Arcade | %USERPROFILE%\mame0226b_64bit\mame64.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\arcade |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\arcade | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\arcade | ||
Amazon | G:\Amazon Games\Library | |
C:\Amazon Games\Library | ||
%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Amazon Games | ||
DOS | C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74-3\DOSBox.exe | %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\DOS |
F:\Software\games\roms\dos | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\dos | ||
mods | %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\mods | |
Xbox 360 | %USERPROFILE%\xenia_master\xenia.exe | %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\xbox 360 |
F:\Software\games\roms\xbox 360\games | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\xbox 360\games | ||
Nintendo 3DS | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\3ds\roms |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\3ds | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\3ds\roms | ||
Vita | %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\Vita3K-master-v4761-2020-07-11-3b714115_win64\Vita3K.exe | %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\vita |
F:\Software\games\roms\vita\roms | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\vita\roms | ||
Mattel Intellivision | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | F:\Software\games\roms\Intellivision |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\intellivision | ||
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\Intellivision | ||
NeoGeo | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | Z:\data\Software\games\roms\neogeo |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\neogeo | ||
Amiga | %APPDATA%\RetroArch\retroarch.exe | Z:\data\Software\games\roms\Amiga |
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\Amiga |
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the flycast_libretro.dll
F:\Software\games\roms\Dreamcast\Game Name\disc.gdi
By default the folders in F:\Software\games\roms\Dreamcast
will be populated as your game names. Additionally folders in your documents\games\Dreamcast
folder will also be populated.
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the mgba_libretro.dll
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the gambatte_libretro.dll
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\GBC |
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\Dolphin-x64\Dolphin.exe
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the blastem_libretro.dll
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\Master System
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the mupen64plus_next_libretro.dll
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the desmume_libretro.dll
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the nestopia_libretro.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2\pcsx2.exe
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\rpcs3-v0.0.13-11287-cab4c78b_win64\rpcs3.exe
By default the folders in F:\Software\games\roms\PS3\out
will be populated as your game names.
This system is setup by default as an example of having two different emulators or versions of one to launch different programs in separate folders.
C:\Program Files\PPSSPP\ppsspp_win\PPSSPPWindows64.exe
This first instance is setup to load isos of disks. This one is setup for running digital downloaded PBP from the Playstation store.
E:\roms\psp\Digital Downloads
D:\roms\psp\Digital Downloads
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\psp\Digital Downloads
The first three are setup for isos while the last three are for PBPs. By default the folders in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\psp\Digital Downloads
will be populated as your game names.
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the pcsx_rearmed_libretro.dll
core. Note the two examples for cue and toc/iso and m3u (for multidisk programs), as they can all be combined if desired.
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\PS1\PSX Digital
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the snes9x_libretro.dll
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\Dolphin-x64\Dolphin.exe
Also Note that the digital folders will look for wad files by default.
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\CxbxReloaded-Release-VS2019\cxbx.exe
By default the folders in F:\Software\games\roms\xbox\games
will be populated as your game names.
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\cemu_1.22.0\Cemu.exe
F:\Software\games\roms\wii u\converted
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\wii u\converted
By default the folders in F:\Software\games\roms\wii u\converted
will be populated as your game names.
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\mame0226b_64bit\mame64.exe
By default the folders in F:\Software\games\roms\arcade
will be populated as your game names.
G:\Amazon Games\Library
C:\Amazon Games\Library
This will by default populate any exe files found in the root folder of each game. See the second method for the ease of use solution.
%appdata%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Amazon Games
This will by default use the links in the start menu created by amazon games for the applications. Is is recommended to just use this version since it is easier to create and manage.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74-3\DOSBox.exe
By default the folders in F:\Software\games\roms\dos
will be populated as your game names.
This will by default populate batch and link files into galaxy for directly launching programs such as mods. Additionally this folder by default supports launching BlueStacks application links.
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\xbox 360
F:\Software\games\roms\xbox 360\games
Z:\data\Software\games\roms\xbox 360\games
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the citra_libretro.dll
By default the folders in F:\Software\games\roms\vita\roms
will be populated as your game names.
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the freeintv_libretro.dll
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the mame_libretro.dll
core. The folder names will be populated as the game names and the zip files should follow the Mame conventions.
This will end up being something like C:\Users\andyn\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
. And use the puae_libretro.dll
core. The folder names will be populated as the game names.
By default this will populate games as ones that you own but cannot run on this device or wish to have marked as installed.
By default this will populate games as ones that you own, using the folder names, but cannot run on this device or wish to have marked as installed.
Configuration for execution, selection and location of files is located in the systems.json
file. See the included for an example and for what is used by default if not changed. You will need to change this. Any platform(s) you do not need can be safely removed.
The different platforms names are saved as tags, so you will want to manually import them to use these filters in GOG Galaxy.
The escaped execution command to send to the operating system. Allows for expansion of the following variables.
The full filename of the software. Note that if this used without any leading executable, this can be used as the executable; see the mods section of the systems.json file for an example.
The filename without the path and extension.
The full path to the software.
The regular expression to use to allow for the selection of the software. For most platforms this is just an escaped version of the directory where the games are stored.
The regular expression to use to select valid files.
Optional: Additional tags to add to files.
The regular expression to use to select the name portion of the file. for example, ".*[\\\\](.+)[\\\\].*"
would use the last folder name as the game name.
The regular expression group to use from the game_name_regex match.
This allows programs to be listed but not marked as installed when set to false.
This specifies that the game id sent to galaxy should be using a hash of the content of the data instead of the default based on name and path. Currently this requires the entire application to be loaded into ram at once for the hashing. This is planned to be expanded to allow for further identification algorithms to be specified in the future.
The following is an example of the configuration of a single entry for a system. These objects should be enclosed in an array. Again see the example file for how this should look all together.
"name" : "dreamcast",
"execution" : "\"%APPDATA%\\RetroArch\\retroarch.exe\" -f -L \"%APPDATA%\\RetroArch\\cores\\flycast_libretro.dll\" \"%ROM_RAW%\"",
"path_regex" : ["%USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\Games\\Dreamcast","F:\\Software\\games\\roms\\Dreamcast"],
"tags" : ["retroarch"],
"game_name_regex" : ".*[\\\\](.+?)([ ]*[\\(\\[].*[\\)\\]])*([.].*)*[\\\\](disc)[.]gdi",
"game_name_regex_group" : 1,
"system_rom_name_regex_group" : 4,
"filename_regex" : ["disc[.]gdi"],
"gameShouldBeInstalled" : true,
"hashContent" : false
Galaxy plug-in specific dependencies:
- Python 3.7-32
Use pip to install the dependencies to your local development copy (windows example below)
py -3.7-32 -m pip install -r requirements/requirements_dev.txt --target .
Run coverage tests