Babylon is a collection of courses I have took or I'm taking; basically those folders up there are my notes some code and personal thoughts about different technologies, from Frontend to AI/ML, you can (Or will) find almost anything here
The aim of this repository is to have a set of tools for myself (Or you) to keep checking them, in order to remember of find topic. I'm also adding a reference list for tools I find useful
Course | Topic |
Design patterns | Basics, Design Patterns |
Data structures | Basics, Data structures, Python |
Docker | Basics, Docker, CLI |
Basic JavaScript | JavaScript, Basics, Asynchronism |
Asynchronism | JavaScript, AST, POO, POE |
DOM | HTML, JavaScript, Basics |
Practical JS | JavaScript, WebAPI |
Professional JS | Frontend, CSS, JavaScript |
Webpack | Builders, Webpack, JavaScript |
Webpack for code splitting with Express, React and TS | microFrontend, Optimization, React, TS |
Practice Fronted development course | Frontend, CSS, JavaScript |
Practical React | Frontend, JavaScript, React, Basics |
React with Vite and TailwindCSS | Frontend, React, Vite, TailwindCSS |
Render and composition using React | microFrontend, Render Patterns, React |
Navigation with React Router DOM | Frontend, Router, React |
Redux state management | Frontend, FSM, React, Redux |
Practical Nextjs | Frontend, React, Nextjs |
Professional Nextjs | Frontend, React, Nextjs |
Node fundamentals | Backend, Nodejs, Basics |
AutoX using Passport and JWT | Backend, AuthX, Passport, JWT |
APIs using Salils | Backend, API, Sails |
Hapi as a Framework | Baskend, Nestjs, Basics |
Express backend course | Backend, Nodejs, Express, Basics |
Express using PostgreSQL | Backend,Express, PostgreSQL, SQL, Docker |
nestjsCourse | Backend, Nestjs, Basics |
nestjsUsingMongo | Backend, Nestjs, Mongo, NoSQL |
Websockets using mongo | Backend, Websockets, Mongo, NoSQL |
Microservices using Redis | Backend, Microservices, Redis, NoSQL |
Data visualization | AI, ML, Python, Basics |
Bash & Shell | Bash |
- Interview Warmup
- Guías de entrevistas para programación
- Data Structures and Algorithms Problems - Interview problems
- Path to senior engineer handbook
- Every programmer should know
- build your own x
- About Solid
- Stay updated about JS/TS
- Courses about programming
- Learn anything - Website for learning paths
- Coding Katas
- awesome-design-patterns
- system-design-primer
- Observer Pattern
- Data structures
- Books about programming
- Free public apis
- A guide about tunnels
- Data Version Control · DVC
- ChatGPT
- Stability AI
- Index — AMPGO
- A Neural Network Playground
- Database visualizer
- 5 Tips for Getting Started with Language Models
- 10 GitHub Repositories to Master Computer Vision
- 10 GitHub repositories to learn about Math
- Search engine with AI
- AI Course from Helsinki
- Delta
- Dive - See docker by layers
- Better replacement for "ls"
- git reset | Atlassian Git Tutorial
- setting-up-ssh-agent
- Generación de una nueva clave SSH y adición al agente SSH - Documentación de GitHub
- git - la guía sencilla
- - Create Useful .gitignore Files
- How do I make Git forget about a file that was tracked, but is now in .gitignore?
- Git - Reference
- Keep your git directory clean with
git clean
andgit trash
(Example) - anuraghazra/github-readme-stats
- Commit only part of a file's changes in Git
- ryo-ma/github-profile-trophy
- github-readme-stats/themes
- github-readme-streak-stats
- How to grep (search through)
- GitHub Webhook CI/CD: Step-by-step guide
- Transition.css - easy transitions with clip-path
- A game for practice CSS
- Simple Flexbox test
- Flexbox guide
- Float guide
- Grid guide
- A guide for responsive design
- Zero-config number
- Reduce image sizes
- A reference guide for css
- Grid generator
- Flexbox generator
- Layout generator - Brad woods
- A comprensive guide about web components
- You might not need jQuery
- Node Best Practices
- A library of hooks for react
- 5 JavaScript Security Best Practices for 2024
- Better ways to use async functions in Javascript
- Public APIs
- TypeScript Best Practices — Using Enums
- Techniques for TypeScript
- JS course by Midi
- Practice Frontend short challenges
- Tutorials on JS
- Threejs animations examples
- Maps on Reactjs
- Small size calendar utility
- REST API generator
- Check web if it has any problem
- Send email using JS
- SVX on Svelte
- Easy to use Charts - Roseta Chart
- 5 Advanced JavaScript Concepts
- PyLint - Utility for python
- Lottie for a Pull&Refresh using React
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Learn Python 3 The Hard Way
- 30 Must-Know Tools for Python Development
- Refactor this readme split it
- Consider adding the presentations