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Quick Set-up

Ensure you have the following installed locally:

Clone repo:

git clone

Navigate to repo:

cd wire-api/src

Install all dependencies:

yarn install

Start Postgres and create a database named wire_dev if it does not exist.

Set up the environment variables appropriately by renaming .env.example to .env.

Ensure the .env file has the following key value pairs for your local setup

Key Description Value
NODE_ENV Environment you are running the app development
DATABASE_URL Postgres url for the database postgres://localhost:5432/wire_dev
PORT Port the app is listening to 3000
SECRET_KEY Secret key used to generate the api tokens consult team lead
EMAIL_SENDER Email address used to send invite emails consult team lead
EMAIL_PASSWORD Password for the above email address consult team lead
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_URL Andela user service endpoint for listing users consult team lead
API_TOKEN Authorization token used while querying the user service consult team lead

Run migrations and seeders:

yarn run migrate-seed

Start the dev server:

yarn start:dev

Navigate to the port and test the endpoints on postman



Api Documentation

The API documentation can be found here:

Run in Postman