while you're watching LG, let LG watch out for you.
An AI-powered live alert LG webOS app, which reads, understands with advance AI Reasoning capabilities and watch out for you.
showValues: false
%% source,target,value
News, LGWatch, 25
Commuinity, LGWatch, 25
Alerts, LGWatch, 25
Recommendations, LGWatch, 25
Temp, Weather, 25
Flood, Weather, 25
Air, Weather, 25
Quake, Weather, 25
Weather, LGWatch, 35
Smoke, Sensors, 25
Siren, Sensors, 25
break-in, Sensors, 25
moisture, Sensors, 25
Sensors, LGWatch, 35
Cameras, Images, 20
Water Leaks, Images, 20
Sprinkler, Images, 20
Littering, Images, 20
Images, LGWatch, 30
LGWatch, Alarm, 20
LGWatch, Neighbor, 20
LGWatch, 911, 20
LGWatch, Friends, 20
LGWatch, Locals, 20
click here for a live demo and video.
Backend: Firebase
UI/UX: Flutter
AI: GROQ, BYOA (bring your own AI, Anthropic, Gemini, OpenAI ..)
Platform: LGWebOS
direction LRstateDiagram-v2
[*] --> signup
signup --> email
signup --> social
email --> login
social --> login
login --> Settings
dark_Mode --> Settings
multi_Lang --> Settings
ph_email_loc_contacts_pswd --> Settings
devices --> Personal
car --> devices
cameras --> devices
motion --> devices
CO --> devices
login --> Community
login --> Personal
Community --> LG.Watch.AI
Personal --> LG.Watch.AI
LG.Watch.AI --> Alert
Alert --> Notification
Settings --> Notification
%% Define classes for coloring
classDef red fill:#ff8,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef green fill:#8fa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef blue fill:#f66,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef orange fill:#f92,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef danger fill:#99f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef yellow fill:#56f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef brown fill:#fe3,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef neil fill:#1ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef peil fill:#cff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
%% Apply classes to states
class signup green
class email green
class social green
class login blue
class Rider orange
class Personal orange
class Community orange
class Gemini danger
class Alert brown
class dark_Mode neil
class multi_Lang neil
class ph_email_loc_contacts_pswd neil
class devices neil
class car peil
class cameras peil
class motion peil
class CO peil
class Settings brown
class Notification green
Multilanguage: add more language support
History: delete | retain individual chat, re-generate prompt
Media: delete | retain individual pic, re-generate prompt
SignIn: add phone authentication
Notification: push, email, Text, Emergency, Badge
LG.Watch.AI: feedback, auto update RAG
LG.Watch.AI: file upload (limit per user)
LG.Watch.AICommunity: auto complete to current GeoLocation | google Location API
update API key (user to upload their own keys)
update Alert, Community Alert, Snooze, Bookmark functionality