- create a virtual environment using
python -m venv venv
and activate it usingvenv\Scripts\activate
- install the requirements.txt
- make migrations using
python manage.py makemigrations
- migrate to build the initial database using
python manage.py migrate
- run the django project using
python manage.py runserver
then you can start using the project by following the given link in the terminal by default it is `
The test data that has been used for generating results can be found on KEGG website by following this link: https://www.kegg.jp/pathway/hsa05200
any other standard KGML files from KEGG website should work.
to generate exact same results shown below you can give these parameters targets_genes: TP53,MDM2 target relations: activation,inhibition,expression,repression,indirect effect,state change,binding/association,dissociation,missing interaction target_generations: 3 to the web application of the project followed by KGML file hsa05200.xml.
for any question or suggestions contact me via:
- email: [email protected]