FineFS is a simple network replicated filesystem, designed for web applications running on a cluster of tens of servers.
- More information:
- Discussions:
FineFS is published by the FineMedia company.
It is placed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. FineFS is cross-licensed on GPLv2 and GPLv3.
All files are provided "AS IS", there is no warranty.
Copyright (c) 2009, FineMedia
- Default installation directory: /opt/finemedia
- Default user: www-data
Create the base directory
mkdir /opt/finemedia
Checkout all files from Git
git clone git:// /opt/finemedia/finefs
Give access rights
chmod -R 777 /opt/finemedia/finefs/log chown -R www-data /opt/finemedia/finefs/bin /opt/finemedia/finefs/var
Edit the file "/opt/finemedia/finefs/etc/finefs.ini"
- Set the local server name (if the local machine is an active node).
- Set the names of the other cluster nodes.
Setup the FineFS daemon
- create a symlink: `ln -s /opt/finemedia/finefs/etc/finefs.rc /etc/init.d/finefs`
- configure startup
- on Debian-like systems: `update-rc.d finefs defaults`
- on RedHat-like systems: `chkconfig --add finefs`
- start it: `/etc/init.d/finefs start`
Add the replication program to crontab
- copy the configuration file: `cp /opt/finemedia/finefs/etc/finefs.cron /etc/cron.d/finefs`
- restart cron: `/etc/init.d/cron restart`