Collection of high performance C++ containers, drop-in replacements for std::vector
and std::set
, used in Amadeus pricing and shopping engines instead of standard ones.
This header based library (to be more precise, cmake
interface) provides the following containers:
Container Name | STL equivalent | Brief | Why? |
FixedCapacityVector | std::vector | Vector-like which cannot grow, max capacity defined at compile time | No dynamic memory allocation |
SmallVector | std::vector | Vector-like optimized for small sizes | No dynamic memory allocation for small sizes |
vector | std::vector | Vector optimized for trivially relocatable types | Optimized for trivially relocatable types |
FlatSet | std::set | Set-like implemented as a sorted vector | Alternate structure for sets optimized for read-heavy usages |
SmallSet (*) | std::set | Set-like optimized for small sizes | No dynamic memory allocation and unsorted for small sizes |
*: C++17 compiler only (uses std::variant
& std::optional
- For types taking an integral
as template parameter, container does not allocate dynamic memory as long as its capacity does not exceedN
- Vectors (and
, as it usesamc::vector
by default) are all optimized for trivially relocatable types (definition below).
Example of possible performance gains (directly extracted from the provided benchmarks, compiled with GCC 10.1 on Ubuntu 18:)
For sets, time axis is in logarithmic scale.
- All 3 vector flavors share the same code / algorithms for vector operations.
- Templated code generation is minimized thanks to the late location of the integral N template parameter
- Optimized emulations of standard library features for older C++ compilers are provided when C++ version < C++17
A set of non standard methods and constructors are defined for convenience, provided that amc
is compiled with AMC_PEDANTIC
disabled (default, see Options).
Here is a brief summary of these extras (compared to their STL equivalents):
For all vectors (FixedCapacityVector
, SmallVector
, vector
Method | Description |
pop_back_val |
Same as pop_back , returning popped value. |
append |
Same as insert(vec.end(), ...) |
swap2 |
Swap with all other flavors of vectors, not just this type |
For SmallVector
only, there is a constructor from a rvalue of a amc::vector
that allows stealing of its dynamic storage.
Method | Description |
data |
Returns data const pointer from underlying vector |
operator[n] |
Access to the underlying value at position 'n' for the FlatSet |
at(n) |
Access to the underlying value at position 'n' for the FlatSet , throwing if our of range |
capacity |
Calls underlying vector capacity method |
reserve |
Calls underlying vector reserve method |
shrink_to_fit |
Calls shrink_to_fit of underlying vector |
There is an additional constructor and assignment operator from a rvalue of the underlying vector type, stealing its dynamic storage.
It describes the ability of moving around memory a value of type T by using memcpy
(as opposed to the conservative approach of calling the copy constructor and the destroying the old temporary).
It is a type trait currently not (yet?) present in the standard, although is has been proposed (more information here).
No need to use a modified compiler to benefit from trivially relocatibilty optimizations: you can use helper type traits provided by this library to mark explicitely types that you know are trivially relocatable. The conservative approach assumes that all trivially copyable types are trivially relocatable, so no need to mark them as such.
With trivially relocatable types, performance gains are easily measurable for all operations of the Vector like container involving relocation of elements (grow, insert in middle, etc).
Fortunately, most types are trivially relocatable. amc::vector
itself is trivially relocatable (as well as FixedCapacityVector
and SmallVector
if T is). Types containing pointers to parts of themselves are typically not trivially relocatable, because moving them would require to update the internal pointers they hold to parts of themselves (std::list
, std::set
, std::map
are for instance). std::string
is not trivially relocatable in some implementations, but some open source equivalents are (for instance, folly::fbstring). More information here.
The most convenient way to mark a type as trivially relocatable is to declare in the public part of the class:
using trivially_relocatable = std::true_type;
This is only necessary for non trivially copyable types, because trivially copyable types are trivially relocatable by default.
CMake flag | Description |
AMC_ENABLE_TESTS | Build amc with unit tests (default if main project) |
AMC_ENABLE_BENCHMARKS | Build amc with benchmarks against STL (default if main project and Release mode) |
AMC_ENABLE_ASAN | Build with Address Sanitizer mode (only GCC and Clang) |
AMC_PEDANTIC | If OFF, non standard methods and constructors are added for containers (see Other benefits) |
This library is header only library, with one file to be included per container.
Vectors and FlatSet
containers require a C++11 compiler.
however, needs a C++17 compiler because it uses std::variant
and std::optional
, although boost::variant
could be used as a workaround if a C++17 compiler is not available.
Unit tests and benchmarks are provided. They can be compiled with cmake.
By default, both will be compiled only if 'amc' is instantiated as the main project. You can manually force the build of the tests and benchmarks thanks to following cmake
Bundled tests depend on Google Test, benchmarks on Google benchmarks.
If not installed on your machine, cmake
will retrieve them automatically thanks to FetchContent feature.
To compile and launch the tests in Debug
mode, simply launch
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. && make && ctest
GIT_TAG origin/main
Official documentation here.
By default, amc
unit tests and benchmarks will not be compiled when used as a sub-project, which is probably what you want.
targets using amc containers can then be linked with the interface library amc::amc
target_link_libraries(my_target PRIVATE amc::amc)
Just use sudo make install
or sudo ninja install
depending on your generator to install headers on your machine.
If you plan to use non standard extra features, make sure you add:
before any include of amc
headers (it is defined if AMC_PEDANTIC
CMake flag is OFF
when building as a main project).
And that's all. You just need to include the corresponding container's header file to be used in your application code, and why not define them in your namespace.
#define AMC_NONSTD_FEATURES // If you need non standard features
#include <amc/vector.hpp>
#include <amc/smallvector.hpp>
#include <amc/fixedcapacityvector.hpp>
#include <amc/flatset.hpp>
#include <amc/smallset.hpp> // Requires C++17
namespace my_namespace {
using amc::vector;
using amc::SmallVector;
using amc::FixedCapacityVector;
using amc::FlatSet;
using amc::SmallSet;
This library has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10 (Visual Studio 2019), from cmake 3.15 and the following compilers:
- GCC from version 5.5 to 10
- Clang from version 6.0
- MSVC 19.28
You can refer to the CI configurations (lots of compilers are tested) to see the full list of tested compilers.
can be used as drop-in replacement for std::vector
, especially when the underlying type is trivially relocatable.
If your type is trivially copyable, optimizations are automatically activated.
If your type is not trivially copyable but is trivially relocatable, make sure to mark it as such to activate optimizations.
#include <amc/vector.hpp>
struct MyTriviallyRelocatableType {
MyTriviallyRelocatableType() {}
// MyTriviallyRelocatableType is not trivially copyable...
~MyTriviallyRelocatableType() { free(ptr); }
//... but trivially relocatable!
using trivially_relocatable = std::true_type;
void *ptr{};
using MyTriviallyRelocatableTypeVector = amc::vector<MyTriviallyRelocatableType>;
Special variation of amc::vector
which does not allocate memory and store objects inline up to a maximum capacity defined at compile-time.
If SmallVector
has to grow beyond this upper bound capacity, it will behave like a amc::vector
by allocating dynamic memory.
Once a SmallVector
has allocated dynamic memory, it will not release its memory and come back to its 'small' state when its size goes back under the maximum inline capacity, unless shrink_to_fit
is called.
Use it when most of the time (let's say, for instance, in 90 % of the cases) the maximum size of the SmallVector
does not exceed a compile-time constant to save memory allocations.
#include <amc/smallvector.hpp>
using ResidencesOfUser = amc::SmallVector<Residence, 1>;
Use it when in your application constraints define a compile-time upper bound of the maximum size of your vector. Elements are stored inline in the object and no memory allocation occur.
#include <cstdint>
#include <amc/fixedcapacityvector.hpp>
using SoldUnitsPerDayInMonth = amc::FixedCapacityVector<int, 31>;
In the unlikely event that the vector attempts to grow beyond its maximum capacity, behavior can be controlled thanks to the third template parameter GrowingPolicy
: throwstd::out_of_range
exception (default)UncheckedGrowingPolicy
: assert check (nothing is done inRelease
, invoking undefined behavior, abort will be called inDebug
Compared to a SmallVector
that would never grow, FixedCapacityVector
will be slightly more efficient (less checks) and make the intent clear, with nice additional iterator validity properties (begin()
is never invalidated, iterators before any insert / erase are never invalidated).
In addition, if type is trivially destructible, FixedCapacityVector
will be itself trivially destructible.
Also sometimes called SortedVector
, it uses a sorted amc::vector
as storage (by default, provided as template type) and is thus cache friendly and memory efficient set-like container.
It can be used as a drop-in replacement for std::set
especially when the read operations occur much frequently than the writes.
Even if there are a lot of writes, it is still very efficient for trivially relocatable types as it uses amc::vector
by default which relocates elements very efficiently.
Besides, the vector container is templated and thus can be combined with above vectors variations to optimize memory allocations (SmallVector
or FixedCapacityVector
#include <cstdint>
#include <amc/fixedcapacityvector.hpp>
#include <amc/flatset.hpp>
using CapitalLettersSetCont = amc::FixedCapacityVector<char, 26>;
using CapitalLettersSet = amc::FlatSet<char, std::less<char>, CapitalLettersSetCont::allocator_type, CapitalLettersSetCont>;
Additional variation of std::set
like container. This one has a hybrid behavior similar to SmallVector
- In its 'small' state, there is no dynamic allocation and elements are stored unordered in an inline vector
- In its large state,
uses the templated provided Set type. It is astd::set
by default, but it could be any type which provides a set like interface, likeFlatSet
for instance. In this case,SmallSet
iterators are optimized into pointers.
Note that insertions have linear complexity in the small state so the inline capacity should not be too large.
#include <amc/fixedcapacityvector.hpp>
#include <amc/flatset.hpp>
#include <amc/smallset.hpp>
using VisitedCountries = amc::SmallSet<Country, 5>;
using VisitedCities = amc::SmallSet<City, 20, std::less<City>, amc::allocator<City>, amc::FlatSet<City>>;