Add my bot to your server:
Create a new Server Role for the bot, I recommend naming it @RnD. Give the new Role the following permissions:
- Manage Channels
- Read Text Channels and See Voice Channels
- Send Messages
- Read Message History
- Add Reactions
Make sure you assign the bot the new Role. See the Assigning Roles section.
Add a new rss feed by typing @RnD add [feed]
This project uses Docker and docker-compose to streamline the build process. You can find instructions on how to install both of these from the docker website, or click here.
You will need to rename .bot-env-sample
to .bot-env
and place your discord bot token in it.
Run docker-compose build
to create the containers and install the project to them.
Run docker-compose up
to start up the containers and run the program.
Authorize the Bot on your Discord server by visiting (replace APP_ID with your bots ID):
Google Reader was retired July 1, 2013. I had been using it extensively to read news articles, web comics and technical content I enjoyed on a daily basis. I'd known about RSS before Reader was released but Reader made it both accessible and easy to use.This project was born out of a desire to get a more Reader like experience from RSS.
While the ability to search for new feeds may be beyond the scope of what's reasonable for this project. I hope that the ability to easily add new feeds and read them in Discord is able to bring back a semblance of the original Reader experience.
You can add feeds to your Discord server using either the RnD Website or by typing the command directly into Discord.
@[botname] add [feed]
@[botname] remove [feed]
@[botname] help