Automate the creation of an AKS cluster with ingress and HTTPS using Terraform.
- terraform
- azure cli
- kubectl
- helm
Initialize Terraform and apply the configuration:
terraform init
terraform apply
After the Terraform apply is complete, configure your kubectl
to use the newly created AKS cluster:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster
Install flannel CNI:
kubectl apply -f
Create the deployment and service for pf-hello-world
kubectl apply -f examples-apps/pf-hello-world-deploy-svc.yaml
Test if you can reach your application on localhost:3000
kubectl port-forward services/pf-hello-world 3000:3000
Run all the example applications:
kubectl apply -f examples-apps
Deploy ingress:
kubectl apply -f ingress/http-ingress.yaml
Get the public IP of the ingress:
kubectl get ingress
NOTE: you may need to wait a moment since public load balancer provisioning might take a bit of time.
Then, update cloudflare DNS record CNAME to point your subdomain (eg.
) to the IP of the ingress; make sure to enable proxy status.
and voila! your app with HTTPS on AKS is deployed! 🚀
You should be able to reach all 3 deployed applications:
- pf-hello-world on
- nginx on
- whoami on
with your domain.
The HTTPS/TLS is generated by the Cloudflare proxy and not on the LB on Azure. The latter requires further configuration.
clean up all the resources in reverse order
kubectl delete -f ingress/http-ingress.yaml
kubectl delete -f examples-apps
terraform destroy