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🧾 Bringing SwiftUI functionality to the web using SwiftWasm


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🧾 swift-web-page-ui (SwepUI)

Swift Version: 5.5 Swift Package Manager Swift Package Manager

SwepUI is an experimental project that intend to mimic SwiftUI functionality on the web using SwiftWasm. As of now it only has the reusability and encapsulation of the SwiftUI Views. But it missing a lot of features that SwiftUI has. For example: Modifiers, Layout, etc. However, you have full control over the css styling.

Table of Contents


A live example of SwepUI is available at Github Pages

import SwepUI

struct MyApp: App {
  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {

struct MyView: View {
  @State var counter: Int = 0
  @State var darkMode: Bool = false

  var body: some View {
    Div("counter = \(counter)")
      .color(darkMode ? .white : .tomato)
      .backgroundColor(darkMode ? .tomato : .white)
      .onClick { _ in
        counter += 1

// Run the webapp


  • Mimic SwiftUI Encapsulation
  • Being able to interact with the CSS style from outside its body as following: MyCustomView().backgroundColor(.red)
  • Mimic SwiftUI Modifiers
  • Mimic SwiftUI Layout


In order to use SwepUI, you need to have the following:

  1. SwiftWasm installed
  2. Carton installed

NOTE: Installing Carton will also install SwiftWasm out of the box. Read more about the installation process here.

Getting Started

As mentioned earlier SwepUI require carton. You'll install carton via Homebrew. Assuming you already have Homebrew installed, you can create a new SwepUI app by following these steps:

  1. Install carton:
brew install swiftwasm/tap/carton

If you had carton installed before this, make sure you have version 0.16.0 or greater:

carton --version
  1. Create a directory for your project and make it current:
mkdir MySwepUIApp && cd MySwepUIApp
  1. Initialize the project from a template with carton:
carton init --template basic
  1. Add SwepUI as dependency package to your project:
dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", from: "0.0.2")
  1. Add SwepUI as dependency target to MySwepUIApp:
targets: [
    name: "MySwepUIApp",
    dependencies: [
      .product(name: "SwepUI", package: "swift-web-page-ui"),
  1. Build the project and start the development server, carton dev can be kept running during development:
carton dev
  1. Open in your browser to see the app running. You can edit the app source code in your favorite editor and save it, carton will immediately rebuild the app and reload all browser tabs that have the app open.

  2. After you are done with the development, you can bundle the app for production use by running:

carton bundle

NOTE: You can also clone this repository and run carton dev --product SwepUIExample in its root directory. This will build the demo app that shows almost all of the currently implemented APIs. Or check out the live example based on SwepUIExample is available at Github Pages


Special thanks to the team and contributors behind SwiftWasm & Carton ♥️..


All modules are released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.