These are development notes for the package, user documentation can be found at:
This a Python 3 package intended to provide a common framework for a number of related models of plant productivity, growth and demography.
The codebase is developed in git
with a repository at:
It uses the git flow
model for development and release. Briefly:
- All code development should happen on the general
branch or on specificfeature/feature_name
branches. - Candidate release versions should be made on specific
branches and these are then committed to themaster
branch only after final checking. - The
branch should only ever contain commits representing new release versions - do not work on themaster
The project uses continuous integration on the Travis platform to check that the package is building correctly as changes are committed to Github. The status of builds can be seen at:
The pyrealm
package is documented using sphinx
, with source material in the
The documentation in source
uses Myst Markdown
rather than the standard sphinx
reStructuredText (.rst
) format. This is
because the documentation uses the myst_nb
extension to sphinx
that supports
running documentation as a Jupyter notebook: the built documentation includes
examples of running code and output plots to demonstrate the use and behaviour
of the package.
The sphinx
configuration includes the sphinx.ext.mathjax
extension to support mathematical notation. This has been configured to also
load the mhchem
extension, supporting the rendering of chemical notation.
The module codes uses docstrings written in the
Google style.
Unlike the main documentation pages, the docstrings in code are written using
reStructuredText because the autodoc
functions in sphinx
currently rely on rst
inputs. This allows the function documentation to be stored alongside the code
and included simply into the documentation.
Additional python packages given in source/requirements.txt
are needed
to build the documentation. To actually build the documentation, use
in the package root, which will use the Makefile
created by
make html
TODO - change this to github deployment?
The documentation for the package is hosted at:
This has been configured to build commits to the master
branch, which should
generate version specific sets of documentation.
The documentation uses the sphinxcontrib-bibtex
package to support citations.
This uses Latex like citation keys in the documentation to insert references and
build a bibliography. The reference library in source/refs.bib
needs to be
kept up to date with the literature for the project.
At present, that package uses a rather ugly citation style. I'm hoping the
package will help out, but there is currently an issue
getting that package to load.
Use the local directory as an editable installation of the package
pip install -e .
The package docstrings contain doctest
examples of code use. These are
intended to demonstrate use and to validate a reference set of inputs against
expected outputs. They do not provide extensive unit testing! To run the
docstring tests, use:
python -m doctest pyrealm/
python -m doctest pyrealm/*.py
For doctest
on warnings, see the example for pyrealm.utilities.convert_rh_to_vpd
which redirects the stderr to stdout to allow for the warning text to be
included in the doctest.
The test
directory contains pytest
modules to provide greater testing of
different input combinations (scalars and arrays) and to check errors are
raised correctly.
The sources of the reference inputs and outputs are:
Benjamin Stocker's rpmodel
implementation of the P-model in R. The test
directory contains a YAML
file of inputs (test_inputs.yaml
) and an R
script (test_output_rpmodel.R
that are used to generate a larger YAML file (test_outputs_rpmodel.R
) that
are loaded and validated against {mod}pyrealm.pmodel
It is easier if git
is configured to push new tags along with commits. This
essentially just means that new releases can be sent with a single commit,
which is simpler and saves Travis from building both the the code commit and
then the tagged version. This only needs to be set once.
set git config --global push.followTags true
Using git-flow and travis
Use git flow to create a release
git flow release start 0.3.0
and then bump the version number in
Check the package builds and installs locally:
python sdist bdist_wheel
and use
git flow release publish x.y.z
to get the branch onto the origin and hence into Travis
Remembering to change the version number, use twine
to test:
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*x.y.z*
Go to RTD and select the release branch in advanced admin and try and build.
To upload the new version to testpypi, checkout master and run
python sdist bdist_wheel
Remembering to change the version number, you can then create an account at
pypi and testpypi and use twine
to test:
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*x.y.z*
Once all seems well, finish the release, go to the master branch and push it to create the tagged version on github.
git flow release finish x.y.z
To upload the new version to testpypi, checkout master and run
python sdist bdist_wheel
release the distribution for use via pip
twine upload dist/*x.y.z*
Once that is done, switch back to develop
and bump the version number to
add .post9000
to show the code is in development again.