A tiny relational database(tiny-rdb) with persistent B-tree, but it does not support transaction ACID and SQL currently, maybe it will be support in the future. The query language just simple query command.
In progressing
- https://cs.stanford.edu/people/widom/cs346/project.html https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs346/2015/
- http://coding-geek.com/how-databases-work/
- B+tree wikipedia
- B-tree wikipedia
- http://www.cs.bc.edu/~sciore/simpledb/
- http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~dbbook/openAccess/Minibase/minibase.html
- 《Database System Implementation》
- 《Database System Concepts》
- Some of Documents of SQLite
- http://huili.github.io/