2.0.7: Optimizations and bug fixes
- Added cookie banner
- When viewing more (or less) projects, scroll to top of projects grid
- Added Cypress e2e testing
- Added new GitHub Actions CI/CD workflow for code quality check
- Lazy load images
- Optimized images for file sizes
- Removed unused DeepSource config
- Removed used files (3D fox model)
- Updated CodeQL workflow
- Updated SEO meta data description
- Wrapped errors in React memo
- Added Vercel observability tools to monitor performance
- Update packages
- Update to Node 20
- Update public facing email
- Update wording on issue templates
Bug fix:
- Fixed projects grid not being centered on mobile
- Fixed resoc Open Graph image being wrong size
- Fixed deprecated permission policy APIs
- Fixed missing Sentry auth tokens in build
- Fixed missing Sentry global error handler
- Fixed missing
in web manifest - Fixed missing alts on images
- Fixed missing aria-labels for accessibility screen readers
- Fixed missing roles for accessibility
- Fixed publications not opening in new tab