Intended to be a lightweight API to allow users to create react apps without JSX and to use a d3.js like syntax of chained methods. 'react-chain' is already an npm module so I went for a german equivalent 'react-kopplung'
For now you can use it like this, adding in the following script tag:
<script src="" />
In conjunction with (following):
<script src="" />
<script src="" />
This way, you can write react, without JSX, without babel and without webpack.
If we were to repeat a simple example from the react website on how to use the useState hook -
Then we could re-write it with react-kopplung as (Demo:
function Example() {
// Declare a new state variable, which we'll call "count"
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
const handleClick = () =>{
setCount(1 + count);
const returnObj = new ReactKopplung();
.setRoot('div') /* Or .setRoot('<>') for a fragment */
.setText(`You clicked ${count} times`)
.setText('Click Me')
.setProp('style', {background: '#ffc8c4'})
.setProp('onClick', handleClick);
return returnObj.rootNode().render();