Simple canvas projects, made in order to waste a lot of usefull time, but it comes out with some ''interesting'' animation, taking inspiration from ''the coding train'', but unfortunately without P5.js, becouse i'm too lazy to include the script each time, so i decided to create them with basic Canvas, Js and lovely Maths.
All in all, it's fun, and that's enough for me
If you want to use, feel free to download, use, sell, destroy, improve, fall in love, sleep with it, or whatever you want, i don't know how licence works, so you can also abuse of it, i'll don't know what to do
PS: the code is not optimized in any way, at the same moment that it start working, i haven't worked on it anymore, sorry <3
Simple animation which spawns some slashes, changing randomically the direction ("", "/"). You can change the number of the shashes by changing this line.
var nSlash=70;
Simple "mouse follower" drawing a line each n degrees, you can change by changing 360 with the number of line you want
var dot= new Dot(360);
This is one of the first, so there is some bath Math inside, there is 4938749274 way better to do it.
Simple Game like the old asteroid. You can move the SpaceShip with the mouse and shot with the spacebar.
Simple 80' breakout game, you can change number of row block by changing this line, with the number you want
var nRowBriks=3;
Like videoWebcam, only with checkbox... very very very heavy script, the device may overheat
Simple animation where some line spawn inside a circle, better Circle2
Simple animation where balls near the mouse increase their radius; there are a lot of property that can be changed in the code if you want
Simple animation which spawns peace of circle in a matrix; you can change the number of circle per line by changing this line with the number you want
var nCircle=100;
Simple animation where by webcam is taken the video and rendered with circle, bigger as the "brightness" of the region of the video that is located on: you can change the number of square on x-axes by changing
var nSquare=70;
The two button on the top right corner allow you to choose the color used to fill the circle
Simple animation which spawns small circle around the mouse with random circular trajectories
Simple clock with AppleWatch's style
Simple animation which spawns some ball with random speed, where the collision is managed by elastic shock formula
Simple animation which spawns a ellipse which is rotating around the pointer
Simple animation which spawns random circles which try to cover all the monitor
Simple animation which spawns random circles in a photo trying to cover it with the color of the photo in that point
Simple animation which spawns small circle inside a text (top right textarea, you can have a new line with \n)
Simple animation which spawns some fireworks from the bottom of the monitor
Simple implementation of the famous game (but with simple graphic elements)
Simple animation which spawns a circle with follow the mouse, but smoothly
Simple animation which represent a Fourier series with circles, first one with circles inside other circles, second one drawing on screen the position of the last circle. You can choose the number of circles by changing the number inside the "init" call
var first= new Circle(canvas.height/4-100).init(10);
Simple animation which represent a Fractal Binary Tree made by a L-system. You can choose "wood" color by changing
and "leaves" color by changing
The pseudo-code can be found here:
See also this combination:
else if(reg[i]==="0")newReg+="1[[0[0]]]0[0]0";
var wSeg=10;
Simple animation which represent the webcam input with a Delay, making a sort of shadow. The dalay (and so the shadow length) can be choose by changing
var delay=15;
Simple animation which draw a ellipse each frame ina position determined by a function, wich can be modyfy by changing those lines
var a = 3.085;
var b = -1.504;
var c = 0.111;
var d = -4.393;
var step = 0.0002;
Simple animation which spawns some balls with a mass, and emulating the gravity, which can be changed by modifying
Like "FOLLOWER" but with a kind of "element force" influenced by the mouse position
Simple animation representing a possible labyrinth from the top left corner to the bottom right, pseudo-code taken from
Simple animation which spawns some balls with random radius in a square, and used to mimic "lava lamp". You can change the size of the square from, taking in account that the algorithm used is O(n*n) where n = pizel of the square, each frame.
Simple animation which spawns some ponts outside the canvas, and connecting if they're close to someone less than a given distance, which can be changed by changing
var tollerance = 90;
Simple animation which spawns some points in the intersection of the circles on top and on the left. You can change the number of circles by changing
var nSquare = 10;
See more on
Sorry, i've MacBook, and i need a simple paint some times... so i created this, vary useless maybe, but usefull for me :-)
Simple animation which spawns some balls where you click on the screen. Commenting the uncommented lines of those, and uncomment commented lines, inside Particle, you will get a more "peacefull" result
// this.r=r;
// this.g=g;
// this.b=b;
Simple animation which spawns some points in order to create a Phyllotaxy. You can change the angle in order to get different results
//one of those
var angle=n*137.7;
var angle=n*137.5;
var angle=n*137.3;
Simple animation representing a raycasting 2D on the canvas, with random segments. The first one generate rays in every direction, the second one only in a specific "view", which change by moving mouse.
Simple animation representing a raycasting 2D on the canvas, with as Wall the mouse-dragged trak
Simple animation representig the 2D casting in a 3D view, based on the distance. The second one is the best one, has a 2D minimap on the top right corner, and you can move inside the space with the keyboard arrow.
Unfortunately, i wasn't able to take out the fisheye effect...
Simple animation which spawns some points in the canvas in order to generate roses. The result depends on the value of the following 2 varables
var n=3;
var d=8;
Everything can be found inside
No description needed, the only thing i can say is that you can modify the speed by changing this line. The second one has only the Pacman effect on the side.
Simple animation which spawns some random points on the screen, and connect with the pointer if is close enougth. This distance can be changed by modifying
var tollerance = 300;
An animation created in order to represent the Spooky Sequence, taking inspiration from the YouTube channel NumberPhile
Simple animation where by webcam is taken the video and rendered with square, bigger as the "brightness" of the region of the video that is located on: you can change the number of square on x-axes by changing
var nSquare=70;
Simple animation which spawns some random points in the center of the screen, in order to create Star Trek starship effect, and the speed change based on the distance of the mouse from the left side of the canvas
Super basic drawing "tool" for fractals. You can customize the number of "fractals" by changing
const segments = /* number of "segments" of the "fractal"*/;
Simple animation which represent times table: you can change the number of points used on the circle by changing the first value of this line (take in account that every frame has to generate that number of line, so a big number can cause lag)
var tt = new TimesTable(200, Math.min(canvas.height-100, canvas.width-100)/2);
Simple "video to matrix" based on the average of the rgb value of the pixel inside the "rectangle" of the matrix-video, in order to create a version where instead of rectangle there will be checkbox (nicer than this ahah) that will be uploaded as CheckboxVideoWebcam
Simple animation which spawns a Hexagon and makes it walk. Working with every 2D polygon. The number of vertices can be changed by changing this line with the number you prefer
Simple animation which find a convex hull on a finite set of points, usign an algorithm like "Graham scan": You can choose the number of points by changing
var nPoints=300;