CS 6314 - Web Programming Languages - Final Project
Instructions to compile the project:
- Fork the repo
- Clone the repo
- Open the repo in your favorite editor
- cd
Hotel-Resort REPO
- Choose Frontend(nfront) or Backend to work on
Frontend Compile Instructions:
cd nfront
npm install
npm start
Backend Compile Instructions:
cd Backend
npm install
node app
- You should get the below message in the terminal
Resort app listening on port 5000
Resort app db connection successful
- Go to
in your browser
(Once localhost connection is successful at port: 5000)
- Testing POSTMAN API's
1. Goto `POST Create New user` on left bar
2. On right side Click Body
3. Copy paste the below JSON and Click the Send Blue button (It should give response when successful):
"firstName": {First Name},
"lastName": {Last Name},
"email": {Email}
4. To get users try localhost:5000/users, you will get list of all users.
Download MongoDB Compass for User Friendly DB Visulaization including table representation (https://www.mongodb.com/products/compass)
In the MongoDB Compass --> New Connection: Paste
and click connect. -
For only MAC OS
Start Service: brew services start [email protected]
Stop Service: brew services stop [email protected]
Docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uvlGkROn5JnN_gttVX3d2Tej06pMQ9Drd0wnXnnySj4/edit?ts=5e72fa41