Message data broker is a message broker that runs in the MEC server. The current version use ActiveMQ 5.15.11. This repositoty contains:
- A Message Broker to be deployed in the MEC, which is ActiveMQ (src/)
- An example of sender and receive in python (examples/activemq_clients)
The instruction to build the ActiveMQ source code are available into the REDME in src/ (a Make file with the commands is available).
Message Broker can be found in src/ folder
- sudo docker-compose up -d
- open http://:8161
- manage ActiveMQ broker
- admin/admin
- you can see created topics
To build the activemq source code with docker, creating the image and saving the image.
make build-image
If you already saved locally the image, then the image could be loaded:
make load
To clean the loaded image:
make clean
Then to run the docker-compose containing the activemq configuration:
make run
and to stop it:
make stop
Not required but a command to build and check the docker-compose is provided also:
make build
Have a look at the folder with the examples to run the senders:
- cits_sender_python: a python sender and receiver that run an AMQP sender simulating a number of vehicles that send messages with some properties attached.
- pip dependencies
- python-qpid-proton
- image_sender_python: a python sender and receiver that run an AMQP sender simulating a number of vehicle that sends images (different size, but all the same)
Look at the examples README for more details.
- cits_receiver_python: a python example to receive messages from AMQP events
- python3 -a amqp://user:password@<your_ip>:5673/topic://cits