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Releases: Akkadius/spire


03 Oct 04:08
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[Task Editor] Task Preview Requisite Activity ID

Adds support for task requisite activity ID.

Tasks for example in Dragons of Norrath have activities that are not sequential and can be unlocked early in task progression. This update adds support on the editor side.



01 Oct 01:07
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[Task Editor] Minor Fixes

  • Fix an issue where item_id_list was binding to an integer instead of a string
  • Adjust UI elements in sub-editor panes (bordered tables)


29 Sep 04:39
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[Connection Manager]

Fix an issue where you weren't able to switch active connections


29 Sep 03:57
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[Merchant Editor] Minor fix

Fix issue where Merchant Editor wasn't rendering NPC preview cards properly


28 Sep 08:00
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[Task Editor] Major Task Update(s)



  • Added sectional descriptions and info indicators
  • Description building should be more clear and concise
  • Explore details are now inline with the activity
  • Fields item_id and item_goal_id combine into item_id_list which can contain a single item or list of items that are pipe delimited | Example (37025|37029|37032)
  • Fields npc_id and npc_goal_id combine into npc_match_list which can contain a single NPC or a list of NPC's that are pipe delimited | Example (4007|4009|4013|4024|4036|4043|4078|4080) and can also contain NPC names as partials (orc|gnoll|bear)
  • Instead of goalmethod and rewardmethod displayed as dropdowns. It simply is a checkbox that displays Quest Controlled
  • Performance and caching updates
  • Resolved issues with tasks saving inconsistently
  • Reward window should now display multiple items
  • Task rewards now support multiple items inline
  • Tasks now save automatically when a field is modified and activity actions are invoked
  • Tasks now set proper defaults for req_activity_id (-1)

See Server PR for more major system change details EQEmu/Server#2449

NPC Match List Support

Match lists are | pipe separated lists containing NPC ID(s) or partial (wildcard) NPC names. This is very useful especially when trying to filter activity updates by name.

NPC match lists are available with the following activity types

  • Deliver
  • Kill
  • Speak with
  • Give

Fields npc_id and npc_goal_id have combined


Item Match List Support

To bring similar flexibility to that there of NPC Match List(s), multiple item's can be used for the following activity types.

  • Deliver
  • Loot
  • Tradeskill
  • Fish
  • Forage


Exploration Box Changes

Exploration used to be managed by the proximities table. Part of the recent waves of simplification this is now managed on the task_activities table to simplify. As a result explore boxes are now visible within the activity pane instead of breaking out as their own sub-editor when editing an explore activity type.


Multiple Item Reward(s)

Not only are multiple rewards now possible through the Reward Item ID(s) field (separated by |) you can also see them render in the Task Preview Window


Field Usage Matrix

To be updated in official documentation

activity_type activity_type_description item_id_list npc_match_list dz_switch_id min_x max_x min_y max_y min_z max_z skill_list spell_list item_list target_name Description Format
1 Deliver x x - o o o o o o - - Name of Item(s) Name of NPC Deliver (goalcount) (item_list) to (target_name)
2 Kill - x - o o o o o o - - - Name of NPC Kill (goalcount) (target_name)
3 Loot x o - o o o o o o - - Name of Item(s) Name of NPC Loot (goalcount) (item_list) from (target_name)
4 Speak With - x - o o o o o o - - - Name of NPC Speak with (target_name)
5 Explore - - - x x x x x x - - - Name of Explore Area Explore (target_name)
6 Tradeskill x - - o o o o o o - - Name of Item(s) - Create (goalcount) (item_list) using tradeskills
7 Fish x - - o o o o o o - - Name of Item(s) - Fish for (goalcount) (item_list)
8 Forage x - - o o o o o o - - Name of Item(s)
Forage x (item_list)
- Forage (goalcount) (item_list)
9 Use (Cast On) - - - o o o o o o - Spell name(s) - Name (Anything) Use (spell_list) on (target_name)
10 Use2 (Skill On) - - - o o o o o o Skill name(s) - - Name (Anything) Use (skill_list) on (target_name)
11 Touch - - x
(doors table dz_switch_id)
o o o o o o - - - Name of Touch Target
(Touch target)
Touch (target_name)
100 Give - x - o o o o o o - - - Name of NPC Give (goal_count) to (target_name)
255 Quest Script - - - o o o o o o - - - - -


24 Sep 08:20
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  • Addresses an issue where connections endpoint was hit when booting the app. When Spire does not have a Spire database, it panics the backend. #63


24 Sep 06:28
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[Task Editor] Minor Update

  • Minimal update to restore task editor functionality from schema changes EQEmu/Server#2402
  • Proximity functionality will be broken until new fields are handled


06 Sep 03:18
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[NPC Spells Editor] Early alpha release

  • Automatic spell type detection
  • List previews
  • Manage NPC spell sets fully
  • NPC preview
  • Search
  • Spell list nesting highlighting
  • Table pagination


25 Aug 02:32
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  • [Merchant Editor] Fix issue with new items being added not having proper defaults keeping Merchant items from loading properly


22 Aug 15:24
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  • [Task Editor] Fix issue with task activities saving properly