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Compatible software

Tony edited this page Mar 5, 2020 · 43 revisions

This page lists some third-party software that can interface with WLED!

Still under construction, feel free to add to the list!


Controllers use the WLED API to change the current light settings.

Name Description
Home Assistant Versatile and feature rich home automation system. Out-of-the-box WLED integration with automatic discovery.
IObroker adapter IObroker is another good home automation system with a WLED adapter.


Source programs generate light data and stream them to WLED in real time.

Name Description
LedFx A music visualization tool written in Python. Connects to WLED via E1.31 or UDP. Dr.Zzs tutorial video
Prismatik WLED-WiFi Ambilight via WiFi - a Plugin for Prismatik for WLED support.
xLights xLights is a Light Sequencer and Show scheduler which works with WLED. Dr.Zzs has made some videos to set it up. Intro Video
Hyperion Hyperion is an opensource Bias or Ambient Lighting implementation which you might know from TV manufacturers. It supports many LED devices and video grabbers. Support for WLED through UDPRaw at port 19446 or E1.31.


Name Description
Logitech WLED Sync Windows tray application to sync Logitech gaming peripherals to WLED.
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