Tetris Game in C# This is a classic Tetris game implemented in C# using the .NET Framework. Tetris is a timeless puzzle game where players manipulate falling tetrominoes (geometric shapes composed of four square blocks) to create complete horizontal lines, which are then cleared from the playing field. The game ends when the stack of blocks reaches the top of the playing field.
#Features: Classic Gameplay: Experience the addictive gameplay of the original Tetris game. Intuitive Controls: Simple and responsive controls for moving, rotating, and dropping tetrominoes. Scoring System: Track your score as you clear lines and achieve higher levels. Level Progression: Increase the game speed as you progress through levels, adding to the challenge. Sound Effects: Immersive audio effects for dropping tetrominoes and clearing lines. Pause and Resume: Pause the game at any time and resume from where you left off. #How to Play: Controls: Use the arrow keys or custom key bindings to move and rotate tetrominoes. Press the down arrow or a designated key to accelerate their descent. Scoring: Earn points by clearing lines. The more lines you clear simultaneously, the higher your score. Level Up: As you clear more lines, the game speed increases, making it more challenging. Game Over: The game ends when the stack of blocks reaches the top of the playing field. Try to achieve the highest score possible before that happens! #Technologies Used: C#: The primary programming language used for game logic and mechanics. .NET Framework: A software framework developed by Microsoft for building Windows applications. Visual Studio: An integrated development environment (IDE) used for writing, debugging, and compiling the code. Git: Version control system for managing project files and collaboration. GitHub: Hosting platform for storing and sharing the project codebase. Screenshots: [Include screenshots or GIFs of gameplay to showcase the project.]
#Installation: Clone the repository to your local machine using git clone. Open the project in Visual Studio. Build and run the game in the desired platform. Contribution: Contributions to the project are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit pull requests for review.
License: This project is licensed under the MIT License.