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ChatroomUIKit is designed to address most users' chat room requirements specific to pan-entertainment scenarios. It delivers good user experience in the use of APIs (for user-side developers) by streamlining SDK integration, facilitating customization, and offering comprehensive documentation.

Development environment requirements

  • SDK: >=3.0.0 <4.0.0
  • Flutter: >=3.12.0

For the iOS app:

  • Xcode 13 or higher
  • iOS 11 or higher

For the Android app:

  • minSDKVersion 21

ChatroomUIKit installation

flutter pub get add chatroom_uikit

Run the demo


Advanced usage

Initialize the ChatroomUIKit

To initialize the ChatroomUIKit, you need to get the App Key on the Agora Console.

await ChatroomUIKitClient.instance.initWithAppkey(appKey);

Log in to ChatroomUIKit

To log in to the ChatroomUIKit, you need to pass in the user ID and token typed when you register a user on the Agora Console.

try {
    await ChatroomUIKitClient.instance.loginWithToken(
        userId: userId,
        password: token, // Password typed when you register a user.
        userInfo: userInfo, // The current user object that conforms to the UserInfoProtocol protocol. The default user object is `UserEntity` in the ChatroomUIKit. 
}on ChatError catch(e) {
    // error.

Switch the theme

You can use ChatUIKitTheme to switch to the light or dark theme that comes with the ChatroomUIKit.


To adjust theme colors, you need to define the hue value of the following colors in ChatUIKitColor:

  this.primaryHue = 203,
  this.secondaryHue = 155,
  this.errorHue = 350,
  this.neutralHue = 203,
  this.neutralSpecialHue = 220,
  this.barrageLightness = LightnessStyle.oneHundred,
  this.isDark = false,

chatroom_uikit component

  1. To use chatroom_uikit, you need to first create ChatroomController and then set ChatRoomUIKit as the root node of the current page and other components as children of ChatRoomUIKit.
// roomId: Chat room ID.
// ownerId: User ID of the chat room owner.
ChatroomController controller = ChatroomController(roomId: roomId, ownerId: ownerId);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  Widget content = Scaffold(
    resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
    appBar: AppBar(),
    body: ChatRoomUIKit(
      controller: controller,
      child: (context) {
        // Build pages within child components, like gift window and message list page. 
        return ...;

  return content;

ChatroomMessageListView component

The ChatroomMessageListView component presents messages within the chat room. Make sure that this component acts as a child node of ChatRoomUIKit. You can add ChatroomMessageListView to the screen and set its position as follows:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  Widget content = Scaffold(
    resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
    appBar: AppBar(),
    body: ChatRoomUIKit(
      controller: controller,
      child: (context) {
        return const Stack(
          children: [
              left: 16,
              right: 78,
              height: 204,
              bottom: 90,
              child: ChatroomMessageListView(),

  return content;

ChatroomMessageListView provides items like click, long press, and repaint and also allows you to set the reportController.

const ChatroomMessageListView({

The ChatroomMessageListView component does not show gifts by default. To show gifts, you need to set enableMsgListGift to true in ChatRoomSettings.

ChatRoomSettings.enableMsgListGift = true;

ChatInputBar component

The ChatInputBar component is used to send messages. It is placed in chatroom_uikit by default and the position is not configurable. This component can involve more click options and you can configure more click events in ChatroomUIKit.

// roomId: chat room ID.
// ownerId: user ID of the chat room.
ChatroomController controller = ChatroomController(roomId: roomId, ownerId: ownerId);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  Widget content = Scaffold(
    resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
    appBar: AppBar(),
    body: ChatRoomUIKit(
      controller: controller,
      inputBar: ChatInputBar(),
      child: (context) {
        // Build pages within child components, like gift window and message list page.
        return ...;

  return content;

ChatInputBar allows you to add widgets via leading and actions. You can add four actions via actions.

}) {
      actions == null || actions!.length <= 4, 'can\'t more than 4 actions');

ChatRoomGiftListView component

You need to configure gifts before selecting and sending them. For this purpose, you need to configure giftControllers in ChatroomController, passing in an instance that conforms to the ChatroomGiftPageController protocol (DefaultGiftPageController is available in chatroom_uikit).

ChatroomController controller = ChatroomController(
      roomId: widget.roomId,
      ownerId: widget.ownerId,
      giftControllers: () async {
        List<DefaultGiftPageController> service = [];
        // Parse the gift JSON and fill the parsing result in the gifts list in DefaultGiftPageController.
        final value = await rootBundle.loadString('data/Gifts.json');
        Map<String, dynamic> map = json.decode(value);
        for (var element in map.keys.toList()) {
              title: element,
              gifts: () {
                List<GiftEntityProtocol> list = [];
                map[element].forEach((element) {
                  // Parse the JSON into the object that conforms to the GiftEntityProtocol protocol.
                  GiftEntityProtocol? gift = ChatroomUIKitClient
                  if (gift != null) {
                return list;
        return service;

The gift list is displayed. You can add a button in ChatInputBar to show the gift list.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  Widget content = Scaffold(
    resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
    appBar: AppBar(),
    body: ChatRoomUIKit(
      controller: controller,
      inputBar: ChatInputBar(
        actions: [
            onTap: () => controller.showGiftSelectPages(),
            child: Padding(
              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(3),
              child: Image.asset('images/send_gift.png'),
      child: (context) {
        return Container();

  return content;

You can select a gift and click Send to send it.

Gifts can be displayed via either of the following components:

ChatroomGiftMessageListView component

The ChatroomGiftMessageListView component displays gifts that are sent and received. Make sure that this component is set as a child component of ChatRoomUIKit. You can add this component to the screen and set its position as follows:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  // Do not show gifts on the message list. 
  ChatRoomSettings.enableMsgListGift = false;
  Widget content = Scaffold(
    resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
    appBar: AppBar(),
    body: ChatRoomUIKit(
      controller: controller,
      child: (context) {
        return const Stack(
          children: [
              left: 16,
              right: 180,
              height: 84,
              bottom: 300,
              child: ChatroomGiftMessageListView(),

  return content;

ChatroomGiftMessageListView allows you to set the gift widget and placeholder icon.

const ChatroomGiftMessageListView({

ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView component

The ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView component shows global broadcast messages. Remember to set this component as a child node of ChatRoomUIKit. You can add the ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView component to the screen and set its position as follows:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  Widget content = Scaffold(
    resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
    appBar: AppBar(),
    body: ChatRoomUIKit(
      controller: controller,
      child: (context) {
        return Stack(
            children: [
                top: MediaQuery.of(context) + 10,
                height: 20,
                left: 20,
                right: 20,
                child: const ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView(),

  return content;

ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView allows you to set the icon, font, and background color.

const ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView({

ChatRoomSettings class

The ChatRoomSettings class provides ChatroomUIKit settings.

class ChatRoomSettings {
  static String? userDefaultAvatar; // Default avatar.
  static String? defaultIdentify; // Default identity icon.
  static String? defaultGiftIcon; // Default gift icon.

  static bool enableMsgListTime = true; // Whether the time is displayed on the message list.
  static bool enableMsgListAvatar = true; // Whether the avatars are displayed on the message list.
  static bool enableMsgListNickname = true; // Whether nicknames are displayed on the message list.
  static bool enableMsgListIdentify = true; // Whether identities are displayed on the message list.

  static bool enableMsgListGift = false; // Whether gifts are displayed on the message list.

  static bool enableParticipantItemIdentify = false; // Whether identities are displayed on the participant list.

  static CornerRadius inputBarRadius = CornerRadius.large; // Corner radius of the input box.
  static CornerRadius avatarRadius = CornerRadius.large; // Corner radius of the avatar.




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