A website that lets coders share their coding problems and other coders can help solve with detailed video explanation.
- Users can share their coding problems with others
- Other users can help solve the problem with video
- Users can comment if solution is helpful or not
- Light/dark mode toggle
Client: React, Redux, Chakra-UI
Server: Node, Express, Firebase, MongoDB
Clone repository
Create a firebase project get api keys and replace the keys in the firebase file
const app = firebase.initializeApp({
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
authDomain: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
projectId: "xxxxxxxxx",
storageBucket: "xxxxxxxxxx",
messagingSenderId: "xxxxxx",
appId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
measurementId: "xxxxxxx",
client directory
npm install
npm start
same for backend directory
npm install
npm start