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Python Bindings

Arthur Glowacki edited this page Jul 26, 2019 · 1 revision

If compiled with -DBUILD_WITH_PYBIND11=ON a DLL/SO will be created with python bindings called pyxrfmaps

This consists of the following but may change in the future

  • Namespaces
    • pyxrfmaps : root namespace contains data structures
      • AnalysisJob
      • CalibrationCurve
      • Detector
      • ElementInfo
      • ElementInfoMap
      • ElementQuant
      • FittingRoutines
      • ParamsOverride
      • QuantificationStandard
      • Quantifiers
      • Spectra_Line
      • Spectra_Volume
      • StreamBlock
      • StreamFittingBlock
    • fitting: namespace for fittings routines, models,
      • models:
        • GaussModel
      • optimizers:
        • lmfit
        • mpfit
      • routines:
        • matrix
        • nnls
        • param_optimized
        • roi
        • svd
    • io:
      • file:
        • MDA_IO
        • netcdf_load_spectra_line()
        • netcdf_load_spectra_line_with_callback()
      • net:
        • BasicSerializer
    • workflow:
      • DetectorSumSpectraFileSource
      • SpectraFileSource
      • StreamBlockSink
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