Implementation of Secure digital Market place with BDI agent. I have implement this project with Agent based modelling (Jadex).
We want to check:
First: Each transaction must be adhered to the GDPR.(check compliancy) Second: Describe norms and add them to the Belief-set of agents (setup the belief-set).
The technical implementation of this project can be found here:
Title:A Normative Agent-based Model for Sharing Data in Secure Trustworthy Digital Market Places Authors: Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, The 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART'18)
Getting Started:
These instructions will get you a copy of the SDM project and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
-Jadex (
Installing: -Download the SDM project and add it to Eclips as a Jave project. Assign Jadex as a reference project to the SDM via build path.
- Execute the project via JCC -Add bin folder to JCC and under SDMCOM find the DataTradingServices.application.xml then click on the xml file and run the project. (Jadex documentation)
Author: ADtrust
License: This project is licensed under the under GPL V3.0 License.