A collaborative network of Agents to perform certain tasks and based on the outcome of task we evalute trust.
We want to check:
First: Estimate the agent's trusthworiness based on the outcome of the tasks. Second: Estimate the interaction risk and sele
The technical implementation of this project can be found here:
Title: Deljoo, Ameneh, et al. "The Impact of Competence and Benevolence in a Computational Model of Trust." IFIP International Conference on Trust Management. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Getting Started:
These instructions will get you a copy of the Collaborative_network project and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
-Jadex (https://www.activecomponents.org/#/project/news)
Installing: -Download the Collaborative_network project and add it to Eclips as a Jave project. Assign Jadex as a reference project to the Collaborative_network via build path.
Execute the project via JCC -Add bin folder to JCC and under Collaborative_network find the ALiceBDIAgent, BobBDIAgent, and CTABDIAgent.. then click on each agent and run the project. Agents within the same domain can send a message to their neighbor and receive the message. (Jadex documentation)
Author: ADtrust
License: This project is licensed under the under GPL V3.0 License.