This is the project is a template which demonstrates implementing secure authentication and authorization using OpenId Connect and OAuth 2.0 in dotnet(c#).
Restore Packages
nuget restore
Generate Cert and Key using the following command
req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout OAuthServer.key -x509 -days 365 -out OAuthServer.cer
Creat a pfx
pkcs12 -export -in OAuthServer.cer -inkey OAuthServer.key -out OAuthServer.pfx
cd ./OAuth.AuthServer
Update the appSetting.json according to the appSetting.sample.json with the .pfx path and password
- Start the authentication server
dotnet restore
dotnet run build
- Start the web api project
cd ../OAuth.webApi
dotnet run build
- Navigate the token endpoint on the Authentication server
POST http://localhost:5002/connect/token
"client_id" : ""
"grant_type": "password"
"username": ""
"password": ""
"client_secret": ""
copy the reponse token and use it to authenticate webApi endpoints