A Common Lisp library for converting ip addresses and CIDR blocks from integer to string representations and vice versa
The functions are optimized for speed.
EG: "" => 16909060 , 32 EG: "" => 16909060 , 30
This library was spawned by this paste: http://paste.lisp.org/display/139246
Convert integers to strings
Given two integer ips, produce a "" representation
Convert strings into integers, throwing meaningful cidr-parse-error if it fails
This is probably not super meaningful, but at least gives some benchmarks for the current speeds Im seeing
CL-CIDR-NOTATION-TEST> (time (loop for i from 0 below (expt 2 32) by (expt 2 8)
do (ip-string i)))
Evaluation took:
2.233 seconds of real time
2.216139 seconds of total run time (2.184137 user, 0.032002 system)
[ Run times consist of 0.248 seconds GC time, and 1.969 seconds non-GC time. ]
99.24% CPU
5,568,010,455 processor cycles
536,821,744 bytes consed
CL-CIDR-NOTATION-TEST> (time (loop for i from 0 below (expt 2 32) by (expt 2 8)
do (parse-ip (ip-string i))))
Evaluation took:
11.253 seconds of real time
11.204700 seconds of total run time (11.040690 user, 0.164010 system)
[ Run times consist of 0.416 seconds GC time, and 10.789 seconds non-GC time. ]
99.57% CPU
28,062,521,077 processor cycles
536,866,272 bytes consed
- Stas Boukarev - stassats @ #lisp - super optimization work
- Russ Tyndall - Acceleration.net
- Nathan Bird - Acceleration.net