Tiny FTP Client is an easy to use command line ftp conexion tool.
TFC allows you to control every aspect of an FTP server from your command line.
- init
- push
- pull
- config
- dir
- purgue
Commands | Arg | Action |
init | Creates a ftp client on current folder | |
-f | Creates a ftp client erasing possible previous clients | |
-e | Erases a ftp client on current folder | |
-c (arg) (arg) | Clones a ftp client from one folder to another | |
---------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
push | Uploads default folder (Default Root) | |
-f (arg) | Uploads an especific file or folder | |
-e (arg) | Uploads default folder erasing previous files | |
-ef (arg) | Uploads an especific file or folder erasing previous files | |
---------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
pull | Downloads all content from server | |
-f (arg) | Downloads an especific folder from server | |
---------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
config | Shows and sets all configuration info | |
-u (arg) | Sets Default user for FTP conexion | |
-s (arg) | Sets Default server for FTP conexion | |
-p (arg) | Sets Default port for FTP conexion | |
-ps (arg) | Sets Default password for FTP conexion | |
-uf (arg) | Sets Default upload folder for FTP conexion | |
-df (arg) | Sets Default download folder for FTP conexion | |
-w (arg) | Shows welcome to TFC system :) | |
-i (arg) | Shows info about the system | |
-timeout (arg) | Sets Default time for password timeout | |
---------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
dir | Shows content in FTP server | |
-mkdir (arg) | Creates a folder in arg route | |
-ls (arg) | Lists content of arg folder | |
-e (arg) | Erases arg file | |
-ef (arg) | Erases arg folder and all it's content | |
---------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
purgue | WARNING: Erases information in Server/Local/DB | |
-l | Erases all local content in this folder | |
-s | Erases all content from ftp server | |
-db | Purgues file database | |
---------- | :---------------: | -----------------------------------------------------------: |
###Getting Started
tfc init
tfc config -u (USER)
tfc config -s (SERVER)
tfc config -p (PORT)
tfc config -ps (PASSWORD)
tfc push -f (file/folder)
tfc pull -f (file/folder)
tfc init
tfc config -u USER -s SERVER -p PORT
tfc push -f foo.txt
tfc pull -f foo.txt
tfc (command) -h for more info
tfc (command) -h (Arg) for more specific info
Developed by Jose Manuel Naranjo.