Note : The dataset and the pretrained models (images, my_models) folders used in this repo have been deleted !!
- it includes all required files by the model during training process
- train_label, val_label: Those csv files include all information about the pin positions, type of the pin, width and height of the image.
- train,val record: those 2 files include the tf records of training and validation dataset.
- labelmap: this file includes all information about each type of pins , and since we have only one, so it includes only one item.
- Train and validation dataset images of different pin states
- includes the chosen tf model to modify it for our process.
- includes the configuration file for each of the chosen model.
- include all the required scripts to create and initialize all required variables for the model.
- this file is responsible for training the model.
$ git clone [email protected]:AbdelrahmanAbounida/pindetectiontfmodel.git
Move the project folders into google colab:
$ sudo apt install python3-pip $ pip install --user --upgrade tensorflow-gpu $ pip install --user --upgrade tensorboard $ sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler python3-pil python3-lxml python3-tk git $ pip3 install pillow Cython lxml jupyter matplotlib contextlib2 $ pip3 install tensorflow-object-detection-api $ pip3 install labelImg
$ git clone
Setting up the environment:
$ cd models/research $ protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=. $ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim
Object Detection Installation
$ python3 object_detection/builders/
- Generate n images from each video and move them 80% in train dir and 20% in val dir
- This step is done manually through imagelbl app, by which we generate an xml file representing the border positions around the pin
- Generate csv file containing the border positions of each pin
- label map is the separate source of record for class annotations (the "answer key" for each image)
- TFRecord format is a simple format for storing a sequence of binary records, it has More efficient storage, Fast I/O and other advatages
- There are different tf2 models in Detection Model Zoo, so we gonna download one of them and extract it in pre_trained_models folder
- The TensorFlow Object Detection API uses protobuf files to configure the training and evaluation process.The schema for the training pipeline can be found in object_detection/protos/pipeline.proto
- Model Training process : it may take couples of hours.
- Model evaluation results analysis 10.#### Reupdate the configuration file if required
- update the hyper parameteres if required.
$ cd pin_detector_model $ !python