In-circuit Serial Programmer for the first generation of ATtiny microchontrollers. These devices are very simple and can only be programmed in assembler; perfect for learning! The ISP programmer is implemented on an ATtiny1607.
Compile the source files for ATtiny1607 using the GNU toolchain for AVR (avr-gcc etc) and CMake. You must also install the device family pack (DFP) for the ATtiny1607 and place it in a folder named device_pack.
The example folder includes a simple led blinker program in assembler for the ATtiny15L. Commands for assembling and linking the program can be found in the same folder.
Will add circuit diagrams later...
- Add a cool serial interface where you can paste programs to be written to the ATtiny program memory
- Document code
- Write a cool assembler program
- PCB?