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IAR EWARM project manager for STM32F M0, M3, M4, M7 MCU

IPM is small python 3.6 program that helps to create and manage IAR EWARM projects for STM32F microconrollers with M0, M3, M4, M7 core (and other with same ST CMSIS structure).

Program capabilities:

  • create new project with ST CMSIS files;
  • add folder structure to existing project;
  • clean EWARM workspace folder;
  • rename existing workspace and project;


Folder requirements

Program works with next project's folder struct:

  • Project/
    • EWARM/
      • project.ewp
      • project.eww
    • source/
      • CMSIS/
      • user/
        • inc/
        • src/

Project is the root folder. EWARM folder contains IAR EWARM files such as workspace file, project file and build files. Source folder contains user's files and other source files and folders. In source directory only CMSIS is mandatory folder.

Python requirements

Program were written with Python 3.6.0 and has LXML dependencies.


For begin just download IPM program, IPM's template folder and your device's ST CMSIS folder in the same directory, like this:

  • some_folder/
    • CMSIS/
    • template/
    • ipm

and type ipm <command> <args> [-h | --help] with next commands:

command description
create Create new project
add_folder Copy folder to project and add folder to project file
clean Clean workspace folder
rename_workspace Rename workspace
rename_project Rename project
rename Rename both workspace and project

For details use: ipm <command> -h

Create new project

Create new IAR EWARM project with specified name and device.

ipm create <name> <device> [-h | --help]

parameter description
-n, --name <name> New project name
-d, --device <device> New project device

Device must be specified as in your "CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32Fxxx/Include/stm32fxxx.h".

After project creation you only have to fix:

  • processor variant in IAR EWARM program (project options -> General options -> Processor variant) to your exact device;
  • device defined symbol in IAR EWARM program (project options -> C/C++ compiler -> Preprocessor -> Defined symbols) to your exact device;


ipm create -n Project_name -d stm32f407xx

will create new "Project_name" folder and project, copy all necessary files and configure project to use STM32F407xx device.

Add folder to project

Copy folder to project source directory and add folder to project folder stucture.

ipm add_folder <project_path> <folder_path> [ignore] [-h | --help]

parameter description
-p, --project_path <path> Project path
-f, --folder_path <path> Folder path
-i, --ignore <ignore> Ignore file extentions

Just specify project path, folder to add path and ignore extentions devided with "/" char (for example "-i c/h/cpp/icf/").


ipm add_folder -p Project_name/EWARM/project_name.ewp -f folder_to_add -i s/icf

will copy "folder_to_add" to project source directory and add this folder to project folder stucture except *.s and *.icf files.

Clean project

Clean workspace folder - delete all files and folders except *.eww and *.ewp.

ipm clean <workspace_path> [-h | --help]

parameter description
-w, --workspace_path <path> Workspace path

Just specify workspace path.


ipm clean -w Project_name/EWARM/project_name.eww

will clean "project_name" workspace.

Rename workspace

Rename workspace with specified name.

ipm rename_workspace <workspace_path> <name> [-h | --help]

parameter description
-w, --workspace_path <path> Workspace path
-n, --name <name> New workspace name

Just specify workspace path and new workspace name.


ipm rename_workspace -w Project_name/EWARM/project_name.eww -n New_name

will rename "project_name" workspace to "New_name".

Rename project

Rename project with specified name.

ipm rename_project <project_path> <workspace_path> <name> [-h | --help]

parameter description
-p, --project_path <path> Project path
-w, --workspace_path <path> Workspace path
-n, --name <name> New project name

Just specify project path, workspace containing this project path and new project name.


ipm rename_project -p Project_name/EWARM/project_name.ewp -w Project_name/EWARM/project_name.eww -n New_name

will rename "project_name" project to "New_name".

Rename both workspace and project

Rename both workspace and project with specified name.

ipm rename <project_path> <workspace_path> <name> [-h | --help]

parameter description
-p, --project_path <path> Project path
-w, --workspace_path <path> Workspace path
-n, --name <name> New project name

Just specify project path, workspace containing this project path and new project name.


ipm rename -p Project_name/EWARM/project_name.ewp -w Project_name/EWARM/project_name.eww -n New_name

will rename both "project_name" workspace and project to "New_name"/


MIT Licence


IAR EWARM project manager for STM32F M0, M3, M4, M7 MCU








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