GrooveLights is an RGB 5050 LED strip controller using arduino and node.js. This project was started to turn my back porch lighting into a music-controlled lightshow for a Halloween party. This project is based largely on two other projects, the Adafruit RGB LED Strip controller guide, and Noduino (see Sources).
The following are required to use this:
- Arduino (Leonardo used, but Uno should also work, and any other with proper pin changes)
- 12V Power Supply
- RGB LED 5050 strip
- 3x IRF510 mosfets (or equivalent 18V or higher w/ greater than 2 Amps rating MOSFET)
- 3x ~220ohm Resistors
- Computer(s) (2 computers can be used to stream light values over wifi if you want)
- Linux (Only necessary for Arduino controller, should work with any OS with minor tweaks to serial port value in code)
- Node.js (v0.10.15)
- serialport (1.2.2)
- Web browser
- Arduino (1.0.3 or higher)
- ecto/duino du.ino sketch (
- Grooveshark Plus or Anywhere account (sorry, I don't know how to access the frequency analyzer without the Visualizer)
pins 3, 5, and 6 are used to control FETs, which switch negative on/off.
Vin pin from arduino is at 12v, used on white/black (they differ on each LED strip model) +12v pin.
- Adafruit RGB LED Strips guide:
- Noduino Arduino interface:
- Duino (via Noduino):
- TinyColor.js: (for HSV -> RGB)
Install dependencies
clone repo
open grooveshark, pick songs, open visualizer (you want the 3rd one down with the 7 bars)
nodejs lights.js in shell
run bookmarklet or run JS code in web JS console