Tor.framework allows you to use Tor network ( to route your WebKit connections and make your web browsing annonymous. Also, it starts a tor SOCK proxy to route external connections via Tor network as well.
The Tor.framework uses original tor project sources to provide this functionality. If your Mac application need the access to tor network, this is what you need.
In order to be able to compile this stuff you need to use homebrew and do the following:
brew install openssl libevent
brew link openssl --force
And remember to fetch tor sources!
git submodule update --init --recursive
Now you're ready to go!
Tor.framework delivers a singleton of class HITorManager. With this object you are able to access tor network functionality and manage tor SOCK proxy server.
You can simply run it using:
[[HITorManager defaultManager] start];
If you want your NSURLConnection instances to route via tor network simply set the routing
[HITorManager defaultManager].torRouting = YES;
And you are ready to go
There's a demo application included with the sources. Start it up and check out how to use Tor.framework!
Tor.framework is available under the MIT license.