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A modified version of with the addition of QBL

The setup

The setup requires a connected mssql TPC-H server to run. We provide an overview of a setup using microsofts provided docker image.

Pull mssql container with
sudo docker pull mopt/mssql-tools/bin/

Run it with

sudo docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=L0ngpassword!" \
-it --mount src="~/path/to/schema",target=/mnt,type=bind \
   -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 --hostname sql1 \
   -d \

Which mounts a path that can be used to save table files into. Remember to set a suitable password.

Create schema files with TPC-H generator. One way is outlined here: It may require minor modification of the bulkloading and .ddl and .ri files depending on setup.

An easy way to access the is with mssql-cli

You can then connect with mssql-cli -S localhost -U SA -P L0ngpassword! and run sql commands e.g. DROP DATABASE tpc and CREATE DATABASE tpc

With a database created you can run files such as mssql-cli -S localhost -U SA -P L0ngpassword! -d tpc -i dss.ddl & mssql-cli -S localhost -U SA -P L0ngpassword! -d tpc -i dss.ri

Which can reference schema table files from the mounted /mnt folder