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Pharos is a SaaS application developed by APTrust to provide archiving services to the APTrust membership. The primary capability consist of a UI based functionality to manage the deposits made by members, including the bagging, uploading, tracking and recovery of their data. The actual ingest and archving of the data does not take place on Pharos, but on the Exchange service, which will be soon replaced with the new Preservation Services. Pharos is nearing the end of its lifecycle, and is slated to be retired with the Registry service currently under development.

Currently, the Pharos application is deployed in a Docker containerized architecture, on the AWS Public Cloud. It is not a true microservices architecture, but utilizes multiple containers to provide the service, and connectivity. Deployment consists of Ansible supported AMI's with the Docker engine using docker compose. The AWS ECS/EC2 implementation is not used at this time. Scalability is limited to the capacity of the AMIs themselves, and the use technologies such as Swarm have not been implemented.

Deployment instructions can be found at the end of this document.

Codacy Badge Code Climate

Build Status Continuous Integration Code Coverage
develop Build Status (Development) Coverage Status


Since mid 2019 the Pharos app has been containerized. You may use the Baremetal or Docker version for development.

Docker Version Requirements

Baremetal Version Requirements

Installing the Postgres gem on Mac with gem install pg -v 1.2.0 -- --with-pg-config=/Applications/


We use dotenv for application configuration. See .env file in this repository for configuration parameters with default/development values. This file is updated by deployment according to it's environment.

Development Credentials

After running rake pharos:setup or make build and make dev you can log in with

Docker Development Quick-Start

Once you have the Docker suite installed you may run make and see list of make targets you can run with make <target>. To get started run:

  1. make build This builds containers based on the current git version of the repository. If you get an error about "docker login," run docker login

  2. make dev will start all containers (Postgres, Pharos, Nginx) and populate the database with seed data to get started.

  3. You may now open a web browser and open http://localhost:9292 and log-in with development credentials

Target Description
build Build the Pharos container from current repo. Make sure to commit all changes beforehand
build-nc Build the Pharos container from scratch, no cached layers.
clean Clean the generated/compiled files
dev Run Pharos for development on localhost
devclean Stop and remove running Docker containers
devstop Stop running Docker containers. Can pick up dev later
down Stop containers for Pharos, Postgresql, Nginx. For local development.
dtest Run Pharos spec tests
help This help.
integration Runs Pharos container with fixtures for integration tests.
integration_clean Stops and removes Pharos integration containers.
push Push the Docker image up to the registry
release Make a release by building and publishing the {version} as latest tagged containers to Gitlab
revision Show me the git hash
run Just run Pharos in foreground
runcmd Start Pharos container, run command and exit.
runconsole Run Rails Console
runshell Run Pharos container with interactive shell
test-ci Run Pharos spec tests in CI
up Start containers in background for Pharos, Postgresql, Nginx. For local development.

Common Docker tasks

  • Enter running environment in demo/prod
    • cd /srv/docker/pharos
    • sudo docker-compose exec pharos bash
  • Run a one-off command within the environment
    • cd /srv/docker/pharos
    • make runcmd <somecommand>

Baremetal Development Quick-Start

  1. Make sure the requirements are met
  2. Install dependencies: bundle install
  3. Create db schema: rake db:migrate
  4. Initial setup of seed data: rake pharos:setup
  5. Start appserver bundle exec puma

Setting up Test Data

  • Populating stub data for testing.

There is a simple rake task to setup dummy data in SQL. by default this rake task sets up 16 or so institutions (one for each partner), about 5 fake users in each institution, 3-10 Intellectual Objects and 3-30 Generic Files for each Intellectual Object with a handful of Premis Events for each.

rake pharos:populate_db

Note the Generic File Object pid that will be output so you can use that to load the proper object in the web interface for testing.

  • Adding an event failure

A simple factory will allow you to add a failed version of any of the current premis events just by using the factory name and adding _fail at the end. So to add some fake data for a failed event for testing you could do the following in code or at command line.

#Start by getting the object you want to add the failed event to.
gf = GenericFile.first

#Then add the event as attributes

API Documentation

Swagger docs at

Deployment Methods and Processes

Pharos uses multiple techologies to deploy the stack, and not all are automated. It consists of:

  • Ansible playbooks for the actual deployment. Each environment has it's own playbook.
  • Travis CI/CD that runs automated tests and builds the containers, before pushing them to the repo.
  • Gitlab/Aptrust container repo ( not Dockerhub).
  • Makefile with multiple cli based tasks integrated into different phases. Options for make can be found above.

The entire deployment consists of two primary tasks.

Initial Build

  • Change code in the Pharos repo, and merge to master.
  • Commit locally. ( Local live testing can use the Docker Development quick start above.)
  • Push to GitHub. This will trigger a build in combination with Travis-CI. A successful build will roll new containers, and push them to the Gitlab/Aptrust container repo, tagged with the commit number and branch version.

Ansible deployment

  • After the successful build has finished, cd to the Ansible-Playbooks repo locally on your Workstation.
  • Select the playbook that is for the environment being deployed to. ex: pharos.demo.yml
  • enter Ansible command that is appropriate: ansible-playbook --ask-vault-password -b pharos.demo.yml

Additional options.

It is possible to build the application testing locally. Using the Makefile and it's commands, the containers can be built, and the published to the Gitlab/Aptrust repos. The makefile commands can also support local standup of the domain and testing environment. Instructions for the dev Docker environment can be found above.

Deposit Report Query

	coalesce(, 'All Depositors') as "Institution",
	coalesce(gf.storage_option, 'Total') as "Storage Option",
	(sum(gf.size) /  1073741824) as "Total GB",
	(sum(gf.size) /  1099511627776::bigint) as "Total TB"
from generic_files gf
left join intellectual_objects io on gf.intellectual_object_id =
left join institutions i on io.institution_id =
where gf.state != 'D'
group by cube(, gf.storage_option)
order by, gf.storage_option;