Indexation "full-bin" of binary files
Originally presented at SSTIC 2017
This is a beta version, use at your own risk!
Please read the SSTIC 2017 white paper.
Binacle is a database written in Rust designed to index the full content of binary files. It splits hexadecimal sequences into 4-grams and inserts them in a hashtable file that is mapped in-memory.
Install Cargo, the Rust package manager
On Ubuntu, Install Cargo with rustup:
curl -sSf >> chmod +x ./
to PATH -
cargo build --release
Create a new database:
./binacle -c <db_name> [map] <max_size> <alignment> <ngram_size>
ex:./binacle -c testdb map 30000000000 6 28
Insert a file in a database:
./binacle <db_name> -f <id> <file_path>
Insert all files from a directory and the subdirectories:
./binacle <db_name> --rec <dir_path>
ex:./binacle testdb --rec Windows_dir
Search in the database:
./binacle <db_name> -s [hex] <string>
- ex1:
./binacle testdb -s GetProcAddress
- ex2:
./binacle testdb -s hex 28347654
- ex1: