- create react app
- configure tailwind css
- header
- routing
- login form
- sign up form
- form validation
- useRef Hook
- Firebase setup
- Deploying our app to production
- Create signUp user in firebase
- Implement Sign In user API
- Created Redux Store with userSlice
- Implemented signout
- update profile api call
- BugFix:Sign up user display name and profile picture update
- BugFix: if the user is not logged in then redircted user to login page
- Unsubscribed to the onAuthStateChnaged callback
- Added hardcoded values to the constants file
- Register TMDB API and create an app and playing movies from api
- Get Data from TMDB Now Playing movies list API
- custom Hook for now playing movies
- create movieSlice
- Update store with movies data
- Planning for mainContainer and secondary container
- fetch data for trialer video
- update store with trialer video
- Embedded the youtube video and make it autoplay and mute
- tailwind classes to make main container look awesome
- Build secondary container
- movie list
- tmdb image cdn url
- UsePopularMovies Custom hook
- GPT Search Page
- GPT Search bar
- {BONUS} Multi-language feature in our App
- Login/Sign Up
- signIn /SIgnUp form
- redirect to browse page
- Browse
- Header
- Main Movie
- Trailer in background
- Title and description
- MovieLists * N
- NetflixGpt
- search Bar
- Movie suggestions