This Terraform module enables you to send SES Delivery Events to a DynamoDB table (via SNS) to enable you to track, and manage, any bounces/complaints or audit delivery.
- SES is configured to use the SNS Topic created (currently the only manual part of this)
- SNS sends the message to Lambda
- Lambda captures information from the SES message and inserts it into DynamoDB
module "ses_logger" {
source = ""
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 0.12.26 |
aws | >= 3.1.5 |
Name | Version |
aws | >= 3.1.5 |
- aws_iam_role.delivery_logger
- aws_cloudwatch_log_group.delivery_logger_lambda
- aws_lambda_function.delivery_logger
- aws_lambda_permission.with_sns
- aws_sns_topic.delivery_logger
- aws_sns_topic_subscription.delivery_logger_lambda
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
resource_tags | Tags to apply to all resources | map(any) |
{} | no |
iam_role_prefix | Lambda IAM Execution Role Prefix - Will have region name appended to it | string |
SESDeliveryLogger | no |
lambda_name | Lambda Function Name | string |
SESDeliveryLogger | no |
sns_topic_name | SNS Topic Name | string |
SESDeliveryLogger | no |
logs_retention | CloudWatch Logs Retention (Days) | number |
180 | no |
If ddb_billing_mode is configured with PROVISIONED, then ddb_provisioned_read and ddb_provisioned_write must be greater than 0 or you will logically get an error.
Name | Description |
sns_topic_arn | SNS Topic ARN |
You can also use default tags to tag all resources in your Terraform project, i.e.
provider "aws" {
region = "eu-west-1"
default_tags {
tags = {
Name = "Provider Tag"
Environment = "Test"