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Terraform Module for shipping SES Delivery Events to DynamoDB

This Terraform module enables you to send SES Delivery Events to a DynamoDB table (via SNS) to enable you to track, and manage, any bounces/complaints or audit delivery.

Process Flow

  1. SES is configured to use the SNS Topic created (currently the only manual part of this)
  2. SNS sends the message to Lambda
  3. Lambda captures information from the SES message and inserts it into DynamoDB


module "ses_logger" {
  source  = ""


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12.26
aws >= 3.1.5


Name Version
aws >= 3.1.5


  • aws_iam_role.delivery_logger
  • aws_cloudwatch_log_group.delivery_logger_lambda
  • aws_lambda_function.delivery_logger
  • aws_lambda_permission.with_sns
  • aws_sns_topic.delivery_logger
  • aws_sns_topic_subscription.delivery_logger_lambda


Name Description Type Default Required
resource_tags Tags to apply to all resources map(any) {} no
iam_role_prefix Lambda IAM Execution Role Prefix - Will have region name appended to it string SESDeliveryLogger no
lambda_name Lambda Function Name string SESDeliveryLogger no
sns_topic_name SNS Topic Name string SESDeliveryLogger no
logs_retention CloudWatch Logs Retention (Days) number 180 no

If ddb_billing_mode is configured with PROVISIONED, then ddb_provisioned_read and ddb_provisioned_write must be greater than 0 or you will logically get an error.


Name Description
sns_topic_arn SNS Topic ARN


You can also use default tags to tag all resources in your Terraform project, i.e.

provider "aws" {
  region = "eu-west-1"

   default_tags {
     tags = {
       Name        = "Provider Tag"
       Environment = "Test"


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