The Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence will foster the development of a nationally recognized AI ecosystem centered at AGH University.
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The Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence will foster the development of a nationally recognized AI ecosystem centered at AGH University.
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ROS 2 driver for the Robotiq Hand-E gripper.
Forked from macmacal/robotiq_hande_description
Contains meshes and URDF description of the Robotiq Hand-E gripper.
Forked from gbartyzel/ros2_net_ft_driver
Driver for Net F/T sensors with RDT communication interface
Files related to building Docker images for the Aegis robot station.
Contains meshes and URDF description of the Robotiq Hand-E gripper.
A training framework for Stable Baselines3 reinforcement learning agents, with hyperparameter optimization and pre-trained agents included.
Driver for Net F/T sensors with RDT communication interface
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