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Maximum-coverage algorithm for genomic variants


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Maximum-coverage algorithm to select samples for validation and resequencing. This is a reimplementation of SVCollector

Utmos is a tool for solving the maximum-coverage problem for sample selection. Utmos leverages scikit-allele, joblib, numpy, and hdf5 to allow inputs from extremely large cohorts. Subsets of variants can be converted into smaller processing-ready files, which allows the data intake step to become massively parallel. Then, during selection, Utmos concatenates the subsets and allows control over memory consumption for easier analysis.


Download a release and run

python3 -m pip install Utmos-<version>.tar.gz

Alternatively, build from the repository,

git clone
cd utmos/
python3 -m pip install . 

Quick Start

utmos select input1.vcf > sample_report.txt

See --help of commands for more details.

Output format

Tab-delimited file of:

sampleSample name
var_countNumber of variants in the sample
new_countNumber of new variants contributed by the sample
tot_capturedRunning total of number of variants captured by all samples upto this point
pct_capturedPercent of all variants captured by samples upto this point

utmos convert

Pulls genotype presence/absence information from vcf[.gz] into numpy arrays, calcluates allele frequencies and saves using joblib. This step is optional, but makes it easier to convert multiple VCFs at once (with separate jobs). The genotype array is shrunk using numpy.packbits and joblib compression can reduce file size even further.
As a test, the genotype-only chr22 snps from the 1kgp (2,504 samples x 1,103,547 variants)

FileSize (megabytes)Fold Decrease
without packbits643.09
with packbits296.82
--compress 9267.62
both axis pack*1216.5
both axis pack* -c 9 1118

* both axis pack is not yet implemented since the overhead it requires slows runtime a little bit. I'll implement it if there's any demand

usage: convert [-h] [--no-singleton] [--lowmem] [-B BUFFER] [-c COMPRESS] in_file out_file


  • --no-singleton exclude variants which are singletons
  • --lowmem lowers memory usage by converting directly into an intermediate hdf5 file.
  • --buffer is an integer pased to scikit-allele during conversion and represents how many variants are parsed at once. The default value is probably fine for many use-cases, but performance can be tested. Generally, VCFs with extremely high sample counts (100k+) should have a smaller buffer (the default). VCFs without many samples or with high amounts of memory available can use a higher buffer in an attempt to speed up conversion.
  • --compress compression level performed by joblib between 0 (lowest compression, fastest IO) and 10 (high compression, slower IO)
  • in_file an input vcf[.gz]
  • out_file an output .jl file


VCFs can be pre-filtered and piped into convert e.g.:

bcftools view -i "FILTER == 'PASS'" input.vcf.gz | utmos convert /dev/stdin output.jl

utmos select

Select samples for validation and resequencing. Works by iteratively selecting samples based on a score and reporting how many variants the sample contains as well as how many unseen variants are contributed by the sample. Scores by default are variant counts which can optionally be weighed with --weights and/or --af

usage: select [-h] [-c COUNT] [-o OUT] [--debug] [--af] [--weights WEIGHTS]
	      [--subset SUBSET] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--lowmem LOWMEM]
	      [--buffer BUFFER] [--maxmem MAXMEM]
	      [in_files ...]

Basic arguments:


one or more input files and can be a mix of vcf[.gz] or jl files from utmos convert. If there was a previous run of utmos select --lowmem example.hdf5, the a single in_file of the hdf5 file can be specified. This saves time by not needing to concatenate results between multiple runs of a dataset.


Sets how many samples are selected. Can be a count (>= 1) or a percent of samples if < [0, 1). Select all samples (or until all variants have been used, whichever comes first) with -1

Scoring arguments:


Reduce bias towards rare/private alleles by using the allele-frequency weighted matrix for scoring. So, instead of 0/1 for variant presence in each cell of the matrix, the value will be presence * AF


A tab-delimited file of samples and their weights. Not every sample in the vcf needs to be given a score in the weight file. Any sample without a provided weight is given a 1.


A subset of samples to include in the selection. To help organize your metadata, multiple --subset arguments can be provided and they will be concatenated. e.g. you have subsetA.txt and you would like to add sample HG1234 to that subset for an utmos run, simply specify utmos select --subset subsetA.txt --subset HG1234 input.jl


A list of samples to exclude from the analysis. Similar to --subset, you can provide multiple --exclude arguments.

Memory arguments:

By default, utmos will hold all variants in memory. This consumes approximately

(num_variants * num_samples * dtype_bytes) / 1e9 GB of memory.

Where dtype_bytes is the size per-datapoint (typically 4 bytes).

For datasets with too much data to hold in memory, utmos allows a user to take advantage of hdf5 files and use disk storage instead of memory. However, this comes at the expense of needing to create intermediate files and increases IO, thus one should expect an increased runtime.

The --lowmem mode works by first concatenating all the input vcf/jl together into an hdf5 file. --buffer rows will be held in-memory before writing/appending the data into the hdf5 file. Then, for each iteration, the dataset is reduced by removing the used sample's column and all variants the sample contained from the rows before writing the reduced matrices to a temporary hdf5 in the $TMPDIR. If at any point through the iterations the dataset is estimated to have a total size below --maxmem, the full dataset is pulled into memory before continuing to the end of the analysis.


Name of the hdf5 file which is filled with the concatenated in_files.


Number of variants (rows) to buffer in memory during concatenation before writing to the hdf5 file.


Maximum memory (in GB) available to utmos. For debugging, taking the 'shortcut' to pull the data into memory if/when possible can be skipped by setting --maxmem 0. However, when actually performing summation, utmos assumes at least 1GB of memory is available.

Reusing the --lowmem file.hdf5 with select

If you have a previous run in which you used --lowmem to make an hdf5 file, you can reuse it and save the concatenation/conversion work. Simply provide a single in_file of file.hdf5 or provide no in_files and the parameter --lowmem file.hdf5. Note that if you create an hdf5 file with select --af, it will hold the AF weighted matrix and can only be reused with select --af.

Multi-allelic VCFs

When running select --af, variant positions are weighed by their allele frequency. For multi-allelic VCFs, the site is weighed by the largest allele frequency observed. If this is not the desired behavior, split multi-allelics in the VCF with bcftools norm -N -m-any.

Performace metrics

Running on a 2013 Mac Pro and using chr22 from 1kgp genotype

2,504 samples x 1,103,547 variants

Utmos runtime:

real	24m26.507s
user	11m37.160s
sys	5m12.713s

SVCollector runtime: (including 30 seconds to uncompress the VCF)

real	61m34.008s
user	49m28.622s
sys	1m24.693s

On newer hardware (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v3 @ 2.30GHz) and running the docker through singularity:

real	6m30.870s
user	5m53.305s
sys	0m36.403s

real	7m44.110s
user	7m8.516s
sys	0m17.368s


A Dockerfile exists to build an image of utmos. To make a Docker image, clone the repository and run

docker build -t utmos .

You can then run utmos through docker using

docker run -v `pwd`:/data -it utmos

Where pwd can be whatever directory you'd like to mount in the docker to the path /data/, which is the working directory for the utmos run. You can provide parameters directly to the entry point.

docker run -v `pwd`:/data -it utmos convert example.vcf.gz example.jl